Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog hopping and name dropping...

So, I dished on my crit group gals (The Divas) over at Mary BK's Not An Editor critique series today. One is a best-selling thriller author, and another is about to launch her first YA with Harper Collins in April. The other two are up and comers like me. If you're curious about who they are, and what I think of their critiquing skills, have a look!

Also, tomorrow begins my new Friday series: QueryTrackers Making Tracks. My first guest will be Brenda St. John Brown who recently signed with Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency. She'll be talking about a family member named Lucy who likes to chase kites and chew tennis balls, an interesting morning ritual, oh, and maybe a little about writing, too. :-)

Please join us to learn how QueryTracker helped her find her dream agent.

See you then!


  1. If the Divas are ever looking to adopt, let me know. Sounds like a great group!

  2. Aw, thanks Bethany! They really are wonderful. I'm VERY blessed to have found them!

  3. Looking forward to guest post. As is Lucy. She's hoping somehow there will be food involved.

  4. Hi Brenda! Maybe you should give Lucy a few doritos to hold her over. ;-) See you tomorrow!

  5. Thanks for the heads up on your blog! I've added you to my feed and I'm looking forward to reading those interviews.

  6. Yay! I'm so glad you stopped by, Bohemienne! Looking forward to dropping in on you, too. :-)
