Saturday, March 12, 2011

Living up to my sign...

I'm a Gemini. So ... what does this have to do with my post here?

Like my astrological persona, I now have a duel personality, online anyway. I'm opening up this Blogger account to play doppelganger to my LiveJournal blog. It's easier to follow and be followed on Blogger, so I made the leap.

I'll be making updates of my publishing journey on both blogs now. Anyone into reading and /or writing who happens by and follows me here, I'll do the same for you!

This is a work in progress. I'm still decorating the place, so please be patient with me. ;-)


  1. And another one bites the dust....

    Welcome to Blogge-ville!

  2. LOL! Thanks Kalen. Now I just gotta get my background figured out. I need a nice face here. Hmm.

    Thanks for the follow, too!

  3. Oooh, this looks so pretty! The mood feels a little different than your LJ blog, but it definitely fits your stories. I love it! :-) Welcome to Blogland!

  4. Thank you, Jessie! I actually think I like this mood even better than my LJ one. This one is more mystic-elegant and less creepy. LOL. Thanks for following me! Now I'm going to friend you. I think there's some way to do that here...

  5. Here I am, following you with great alacrity and stealth! By the way, I like the scenery here in your new home. I think there might be weird faces and cabbages in the wallpaper, which seems somehow appropriate.

  6. LOL! You funny girl. ;-) I'm so glad you're here! I'm going to friend you now, too. I just learned how to do it so I'm going crazy with it. *smirks*

  7. Hey, Anita - Many thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments. I really enjoyed reading them!

  8. You're so welcome, D U. I really enjoyed checking it out. You have a great blog! Thanks for stopping by here. :-)

  9. Ah, you're a Gemini like me! No wonder I liked you right away ;)

  10. Ah-ha! Heehee. Yep, that's why we hit it off. Great minds think alike, especially when we share four between us. Heh.
