Thursday, March 31, 2011

Twitland and trailer parks

Some of you already know I made the Twitter plunge. Those of you who don't know, and have accounts there, please tweet me (@aghowardwrites) and I'll follow you! I've been having a blast meeting new writers/readers in the twittersphere. ;-)

As to the second part of my title today? Nope, I'm not tossing out my writerly ponderings to promote alternative housing options. My agent retweeted this link where very clever author, R.A. Evans, announced his idea to help others promote their book trailers in ... yep, you guessed it ... a trailer park! LOL. Love that.

Here's his tweet: Looking 4 a way 2 promote your book trailer? Check out my trailer park and contact me if you want to park yours.

How cool and generous is that? What a super nice guy. Let's all support him right back by dropping in and checking out those trailers.

Also, don't forget to stop by tomorrow for our interview with fellow QueryTracker vet David Kazzie. He's going to talk to us about going viral, a corrupt US senator, and how to find the humor in crime.


  1. Sweet - I'm on Twitter too - @bigblackcat97. I saw you there :)

  2. Hello, fellow twitlander. Look at us, networking all over the place. ;-)

  3. Welcome to the madhouse, Anita :D

  4. LOL. Thanks Katey. I feel like I'm coming home. Hmm. What does that say about me?

  5. Twitter can be addicting, but glad you're there!

  6. Hey Pam and Mary! Thanks for the warm welcomes!

    And yeah, it's proving a challenge not to keep popping over there. I think for me, the best thing to do will be to visit maybe twice a day in the beginning as I'm learning the ropes, then taper off to once a day.

    I'll see you both there!

  7. Anita,

    Looking forward to tomorrow!


  8. Me, too, David. And thanks for following here and on Twitter!

  9. I'm not tweeting so much yet... but I do remember a long time ago when INXS gave away a trailer park on MTV... ;p

  10. Hey Jessie! I know, right?? I'm thinking about parking mine over there. Heehee

    LTM, well if you ever do start tweeting, please look me up! And LOL about INXS and the trailer park! Two subjects I never expected to see in the same sentence.

  11. I must make this plunge too, but... I'm going there.
    I'm looking forward to this interview, thanks for the info! :)

  12. EEV, let me know when you get there. And I'm looking forward to David's visit, too. He's so nice and funny!
