Sunday, April 10, 2011

Contest shout-outs...

Thanks to everyone who visited my "Whose Line Is It?" post last week where I offered a chance to win my critique partner's hauntingly lovely YA debut from HarperTeen (click cover for excerpt):

Through Her Eyes

As promised, I drew a winner from the six readers who answered correctly. But before I announce who won, I want to first give out the answers and personally acknowledge each of those readers for taking the time to play, because I didn't make it easy. They really had to work for a ballot in the drawing!

The challenge was to find three classic sentences hidden within a nonsense paragraph I'd written, and match the sentences to their famous original titles. Here's the paragraph again:

Morning light coaxes me awake. I crawl out of bed and stretch, arms spreading to the ceiling. My legs and ankles pop and snap. Now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! My pet lizard watches from his terrarium, unimpressed. If only I could've been his maker. Even better, if I'd made the world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source: many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. I shudder, remembering the dream I had last night. I was transported in thought to the scenes of childhood: I dreamt I lay in the red-room ... the night was dark, and my mind impressed with strange fears. Fears of waking to a world where my existence was of little consequence. The same world wherein I now stand.

Here are the classic quotes and the titles they belong to:

Now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! - Alice in Wonderland 

A new species would bless me as its creator and source: many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. - Frankenstein

I was transported in thought to the scenes of childhood: I dreamt I lay in the red-room ... the night was dark, and my mind impressed with strange fears. - Jane Eyre

And a shout-out to our savvy detectives, in no particular order:

Great job to all of these ladies! Make sure you click on their names to visit their blogs which are every bit as brilliant and industrious as their sleuthing abilities.

Now for the winner: Cathy, aka, The Total Book Nerd!

Looks like your years of being a book nerd have paid off, my well read friend! ;) Email me at anita at aghoward dot com with "blog contest" in the sub line. Include your mailing address along with who you would like the autograph to be made out to. I'll get the book sent your way asap.

Thanks again everyone who popped in and commented. Those of you who didn't win, please do order a copy of THROUGH HER EYES by Jennifer Archer. It's a must read for anyone who loves an eerie ghost story with a romantic twist. Also, drop by Jennifer's blog for a glimpse at her personal writer's journey along with some great writing tips.

Hope you all have a wonderful and productive Monday!


  1. Woot to the Book Nerd. Congrats to Cathy!

  2. Hey there Mary! You're up as late as me. We should both be writing, you know. LOL

  3. Congrats to the winners! This contest was such a smart idea!

  4. Congrats Cathy!!

    Anita, thanks for the fun challenge (and for the shout out, hooray!)

    BTW, that was a fantastic paragraph you created (3 different voices, whoa!) and you almost fooled me. Almost. =)

    *Alright, I confess. I had some help from Google.

  5. Congratulations, Cathy! And thanks to all who entered. Especially thanks to Anita for hosting such an awesome and creative contest in honor of my book, THROUGH HER EYES. You rock, my friend!

  6. I bow to Jenny, my mentor in all of the ways of diva. :) LOL. You know it was my pleasure to promote such a fantastic book!

    Cherie, you're so nice to say that! Thanks! LOL on the google help. I think everyone used that lovely tool.

    Hi Jessie! Thanks for stopping in and for your sweet compliments!

  7. Congrats Cathy!! Definitely a creative and fun contest, Anita. Next time I'm entering don't matter what :-)

  8. Such a fun contest and... Congrats Cathy! :)

  9. Okay, Rachel! Holding you to that. LOL

    Thanks Jenn!

  10. congrats to Cathi, and that book is gorgeous. Congrats to your critter~ :o) <3

  11. It is, isn't it? ;) Thanks so much for stopping by, Leigh.

  12. Gorgeous cover!! That was a fun challenge - tough too! Congrats to Cathi!

  13. Isn't it lovely, Jemi? Jennifer was thrilled when she first saw it. :) Thanks for dropping in!

  14. It was an extremely cool contest, Anita. I wished I'd had half a brain when you posted it--in spite of having read all of those my mind just flailed like a fish out of water. Awesome!

  15. Thanks Katey! I had a feeling you would've read all of those like me. Kept waiting for you to leave an answer. ;) Just too much pressure, huh? lol
