Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finding my Zen...

I've learned something about myself as I've been out of pocket healing from surgery.

I'm totally unbalanced.

I don't mean mentally. (Well, maybe a little. But aren't we all? We wouldn't be writers without those voices in our heads.)

What I'm referring to is my inability lately to balance my writing schedule. I used to put out 2K words a day. When I had a part time job even. I could write a book in six months. But since I left my first agent back in December and signed with a new one, I’ve only written 7K new words. In FIVE months. That’s it. And every single word was work.

Writing didn't used to be work for me. It used to be a passion. But now I'm spending that passion and creativity on posts, blogging, and interviews, etc... instead of doing what I'm hoping to one day be paid to do.

Donald Maass, literary agent extraordinaire, said in this interview: "Promotion and “platform” are much bigger considerations for nonfiction authors. Novelists starting out need to put their focus on great stories. All the blogging in the world won’t build an audience if your fiction is weak. The best promotion in the world is a strong second novel, followed by an even better third novel. But, hey, let’s assume your fiction is superb. You never write a weak novel. (That’s you, right?) Okay, how much effort to put into online promotion? Remember that promotion is cumulative. The effect of any promotion on sales of an individual title is going to be small. If you are a self-promoter you’ve got to commit to it for the long haul."

If I'm going to be in this for the long haul, I'm going to have to ease off the gas pedal a little or I'll end up stranded in the middle of nowhere with an empty tank and a blank screen.

You guys are just way too charming and fun, and I'd rather hang out here in the blogasphere with you than buckle down and work on my writing. And you AMAZE me, how you can keep up with families, twitter, work, blog three or four times a week, and still get your writing in. But now that I've had a little time off from the internet, I'm realizing that's just not me.

So, I've decided that after the month of May, I’m only going to do my QueryTracker interviews one Friday a month. And I’m only going to post on my blog once a week (I'm thinking maybe Wednesdays). But I promise not to abandon any of you! I will still visit blogs. I'll just have to limit that to once a week, too. ;)

It's time to find my writer's zen again. And this is the way to get there for me.

I'm curious ... am I the only one who's been struggling to manage my time? Or are there others out there?*

I'd love to hear about it so I don't feel so completely inadequate.

And a heads up: this week, my QueryTracker Friday interview will be with Beth Cato, one of my Stylish award nominees from Monday's post. We'll be discussing that snoring sound coming from under her desk, and her urban fantasy NORMAL, which really isn't so normal, after all. ;)

*Kalen, you are officially exempt from the above question since you already showed your superman colors in this previous post on your blog. Heh.


  1. Anita, I applaud you for this. I too struggle with time management, as I have a full time job and a whole mess of boys. I get sucked into the Blog Vortex far too often, and then begin to feel guilty if I don't visit all the great blogs I've discovered. Meanwhile my word count stalls out. Putting priorities in place is wise, and we will not forget or abandon you! I may take your wise lead.

  2. Hey lady. :-) You're not the only one at all. I'm always reading posts where a writer is struggling to put her priorities in the right order. I think your new schedule will be great!

  3. Hi Anita!

    I think this is something most people struggle with! It's easier to be in your own head than to analyze the strange ones you're trying to write! (At least mine are! HA!) Besides, you're right! Everyone on Twitter and the blogasphere is so darn charming! It's nice to meet people of like mind!

    Bravo on the refocus! You'll accomplish great things!

  4. I could have written this post - I recognised everything you mention. Well done to you for taking control, and focusing your efforts.

    That's very much what I'm having to do now to progress my current WIP.


  5. I'm with you. It's easy to forget that the real writing must come first.

  6. 400% agree. I'm having the same struggles, myself, and honestly the first thing to go has been the heavy blogging schedule. Even though I *think* it will take 20 minutes to write a post, it's usually closer to an hour and 20 minutes by the time I make sure it makes sense, find an image, checking spelling, etc. And that's 80 minutes I could be eking out words on my WIP. Look forward to your posts, whatever schedule you decide!

  7. Nope not the only one. I first blogged Monday-Friday. Then I cut Tuesdays. Then I cut Fridays. Then I cut Wednesdays LOL. And now, if I need to skip a day or even a week, I try not to feel guilty or worry about it.

    You are so right in that by doing all the tweeting, facebooking, blogging and networking--and to be honest, even taking on too many beta/CP relationships if you're like me and have a problem saying no--we get away from our own words, and what got us here in the first place.

    I applaud you girlfriend :-)

  8. I felt the Zen collecting around the edges of my computer screen as I read this.

    I can't imagine posting more than twice a week. I do the same: one interview and one blog post per week unless something comes up. And sometimes, it's a struggle. The interviews take a lot longer (for me) to post because of formatting.

    I love how you turn off twitter for the weekends, too.

  9. This is funny because I was thinking about you the other day, Anita, and I thought "How does she do it all?"

    I have a full time job and two kids. I get up every morning at 5, and I allocate the time from 6 - 6:30 (aka 3 minutes ago) to JUST writing (except for right now). I also have a smart phone, so some of my twittering and junk is done while I am at my day job (ssshhhh).

    Anyways, off to writing! And stop beating yourself up over your words. It's a rough draft, so it should be rough. Just get your main plot down and fix it later.


  10. What are you? A mind reader? lol. Seriously, my blog post for next week is going to be titled "Just Write!" and it's going to be about the same thing- easing up on the platform building to get back to what's REALLY important. I'm pretty good at managing my time, but I too sometimes find myself spending way to much time socializing and reading blogs (why do writers have to be so darn awesome?!).

    Some rules I follow to keep me on track:
    Blogging- one blog post per week (on Wednesdays)
    Blog reading- I have my list of favorites I follow, and that's it. I VERY rarely click on tweeted blog posts unless it's one I follow
    Twitter- I don't go looking for people to follow, but if a writer follows me, I'll follow back. Also, I use the "lists" function- this helps me follow my favorites
    Writing- I have to write AT LEAST two pages a day, no matter what. I usually get out double that, but unless I'm on death's door, I have to at least get out those two pages :o)

    Everyone is different, but this is what works for me. So yeah, you're not alone, Anita :o) We ALL feel this way from time to time!

  11. Since I came to college in August. :( I'm a Junior, but I really didn't have difficulty finding time to write, or having trouble writing until this semester.

    You know what my professors told me? When you channel your creative energy into something like school, work, even blogging, you take away from the writing creativity. I think that's true. I have so many papers to crank out, so many things to read and write responses over, it's impossible for me to really sit down and write to the potential I'd like.

    But, I'm going to be a Senior, have no idea what I'm doing at this point and maybe the fear will make me jump into action over the Summer and maybe, just maybe! I can find an agent. lol.

    I'll be sad to see you less on Blogger. :( But I will definitely look forward to your posts!!

  12. Anita, your Zen will come.

    You know I'm new to blogging ang tweeting, so I'm still trying to get a sense for that balance--how much time do I put in for my blog, Twitter, my WIP, my kids and hubby, cooking, cleaning, and running errands (I'm a stay at home mom--seriously, I don't know how working moms do it! I'm in awe of them). My kids are still pretty young and needy, so they take a huge chunk of my time BUT they are topmost priority so I WILL drop everything for them, if I need to.

    Finding balance is hard. If it were easy, we'd all be published and the world would've been a happier and more peaceful place. For me anyway, since being a writer is not a career (yet), I can afford to slack off every now and then. I do try to get some writing done every day--whether it'd be an hour or more, or a measly minute. I get up early and go to bed late. I do twitter and check up on blogs on my iPhone. So even when I'm cooking or folding laundry, I still manage to get connected.

    Goodluck with finding your Zen. The thing is, you know yourself best, and you must do what works for you best. Don't worry about us; we'll be here. We support you because we know how hard it can be.

  13. Wise words from Mr Maass! I'm working on my second novel right now, and though it took me ages to get into it (like six months) it's coming together. I find that doing a rough outline really helps. It's easy to get panicked into believing that you wo't havea another strong story, but that's not true. I really do think that if the desire is there, it will eventually find it's way onto paper.

  14. Hi Jenny! Thank you. I read your email yesterday (will be responding later this week ;)) where you commended me on how I'm wonderwoman (HA!), all the while knowing I was going to post this today. It's funny, because I had been thinking the same thing about you and your superpowers. It's awesome to see that you actually feel the same way. Whew. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's human. ;)

    Hey Jessie! Thanks girl, on your props about my new schedule. You know, I'm taking my cue from a brilliant fellow writer. You might know her. She lives in your zip code. LOL

    Good morning, Carissa! Heehee about the voices! So true. Thanks for the support. :)

    Bluestocking Mum ~ Go you for taking control of your writing, too! I know we're all individuals, and some people actually can juggle all of this with savvy and grace. I'm just not one of those people. Hee. Good to see I'm not alone.

    Read my books ~ Thanks for stopping by and helping me feel normal! BTW, I've always loved your username. ;)

    Hi David! Yep, you of all people know about the challenge of balance, don't you? You seem to have mastered it, though. Great respect for you!

  15. Yeah. Me. Master of balancing networking/actual writing. I'm totally locked into-

    Oooh, look, something shiny!

  16. Brenda ~ I know, right? It's amazing how long a post takes to get ready and put in place. My interviews are even more challenging because of formatting, etc... Thanks for you support! I hope you find your zen, too. ;)

    Hey Rachel ~ Thank you, and so glad to know you understand. I'm w/you about the betas. Just over the past few months I've had to really put the breaks on that. Now I have my set seven that read mine and I read theirs, and I just can't take on anything beyond that. It's amazing to see how many of us really do struggle w/this. I was starting to think I was the only one because everyone else makes it look so easy. I guess, on top of being writers, we're all pretty good actors, too. LOL

    Good morning, Mary b! It's so funny how often you and Marewolf post one right after the other. I think you must share brainwaves or something. ;) I'm so glad you're feeling the zen. Ha! I'm w/you on the interviews. They do take the longest formatting, plus, you want to be sure you put your guest in the best light possible so everything has to be perfect. And thanks about my twitter weekend haitus. That was something I promised myself from the very beginning when I finally made that leap, and I'm very happy w/the results. ;)

    HEy there, Marewolf! Haha. I had you fooled, huh? Goodness, you've really got a full plate. See? That's what I need. A smart phone. Just yesterday I was sitting w/ my kiddos at the doctor's and if I'd had one of those, I could've caught up on my tweeting then. Hmm. I do have a birthday coming up soon. ;) Thanks for the encouragement!

  17. Angela ~ LOL. Isn't it weird how often that happens? It's like that collective consciousness cloud is hovering over us. ;) I love your rules and suggestions. Thank you! And looks like we'll be posting on the same day. Awesome! I'm looking forward to your post on "Just WRite!". Thanks for the support. :)

    Hi Ashley! It's always difficult when you have other deadlines interfering w/your self imposed writing ones. The writing always ends up taking the back seat, and that's how it should be, at least until you're getting paid to write. ;) I hope you find your balance, too! Maybe this summer you can get lots of writing in. That's so true, what your professors said about creativity vortexes. Sounds like you have some good instructors. I'll be looking forward to reading your posts, too! Thanks for stopping in. :)

    Cherie ~ hello, lovely. You're one of the ones who makes me stare in awe and wonder. You've definitely found a way to balance everything. I have great respect for you for that, but even more because I know that you will always put your family first, and that's something I feel very strongly about, too. Thanks for the encouraging words and for always being so supportive!

    D.U. ~ Good morning! I know, that Mr. Maass is incredibly wise. Congrats on the WIP progress! And yep, I'm a bare bones outliner myself. Maybe that's part of the problem w/my recent WIP. I haven't made the time to do that yet. Thank you for the kick in the pants! ;)

    Haha, David! You're so hilarious!

  18. I completely get you =P I fully support your decision as well! I hope you can start feeling that writing passion again and churn out those awesome words!

  19. Lovely Lori~ thank you, my awesomely artistic friend! I appreciate the support. :)

  20. AMEN! I totally agree, and I especially agree with Donald Mass; the best thing a fiction writer can do for themselves is write an amazing book, and then another.

    The argument is always there about online promotion, but I've had to come to terms with the fact that my #1 goal is to write great books and everything else is ancillary. Writing quality work takes time and I only have so much of it.

    So yes, I've struggled with this. In the end I decided that while I'm working on a project I only blog once a week, including reading other people's blogs. When I'm between projects (like now) I do a little more. Sacrifice, sacrifice.

    Good luck with the new regimen!

  21. You gotta do what you gotta do, my friend! The blog is excellent, but it's important to remember what the priorities are as well. I'm lucky in that the 40/wk hits a three month stop in the summer, so that's my WRITE HARD time. Editing and revising can follow up in the fall and winter. I know not everyone has that luxury.

    Heal. Write!

  22. Hi Liesl! Thanks so much for the support. Sounds like you've developed a great routine. I might just borrow that for myself, too. ;) I'm getting lots of good tips today!

  23. Hey there, Miss Mindy-three-posts-or-more-a-week-superstar! I don't know HOW you do it, but I bow to you. :) I should've put your name down there with Kalen's. Heehee. And thanks for the well wishes and battle cry! You rock, girl.

  24. I agree 100% Anita! I have been saying the same thing to myself. (And quite honestly, wondering just how the heck you did it all!!!)

  25. Hi Elizabeth! Well, I guess the jig is up. Everyone knows my dirty secret now. I was DROWNING. Heh. But I feel so much better knowing I have the support of all of my blogging pals in taking this step to better my writing stats. Thanks so much for stopping by and cheering me on!

  26. I think this is the right course of action. I thought you were Super Woman, doing this all AND busting butt in writing. But, if your writing suffers, then you have to weed out time-consumers. I'm glad that you will at least continue doing these things on a smaller scale. We love ya around here!
    And yes, I've had this problem because I get easily distracted and procrastinate since the internet is so accessible when I'm on my computer. And if I'm not pumping out 6-10k words a day, I feel worthless. But instead of walking away and doing something else, like many have recommended, I began forcing myself to write a little, even if it sucks and gets deleted later. I found that if I stop writing, it gets harder and harder to get back into it. I've grabbed my muse and am controling her, instead of allowing her to control me. =)

  27. Wow, Kaylie! You are the wordage queen. The most I've ever done in one day is 4 or 5K. Can't remember which? Anyway, rock on, and thanks for the support. ;)

  28. Aw, I remember the good ol' days back in high school when I could write for hours on end and not even have to worry about studying. Now it's papers, studying--where did this exam come from!?--rehearsals, and looking for a job. Not only do I barely have enough time to blog, but I can hardly write anymore, either. The quarter life crisis sucks.

    I found that I've managed to keep my sanity if I actually give up something that I don't need to do, considering my time constraints. I ended up giving up blogging for about a week, and that's helped me get back on track. I hope you can find your zen with these new blog restrictions of yours :D I'm still waiting for the day I even have the TIME to sit down and crank out fifty pages in one sitting...

  29. Hi Aderu! You know, it was the same way before I had kiddos (and that was before I even started writing seriously); I used to have SO much time that I just burned up w/out even thinking about it. And then the kiddos came along and I was like ... now what did I used to do to fill up allllll those empty hours of the day? LOL. Thanks for your support and well wishes. I have a good feeling about this decision. Good luck to you w/your exams and studies, college girl. :) I hope you get some free time this summer.

  30. Yeah, totally feel your pain. I'm so struggling to balance my time and my writing is suffering for it. I too had to reduce my blog entries and try to get focused. Hmm ... still trying. Great post! :D

  31. See all those comments up there? Yeah, those...right above the picture of the darling little girl crossing her fingers? Well, I concur. With all of them. ALL OF THEM.

  32. I do find it harder to blog when I'm writing hard, which I think is why I like little outlets like tumblr and twitter. They let me feel like I'm not--you know, on my own for this--but don't require me to actually think long and hard about anything.

    That said, when I'm writing hard, it's a freaking relief to get out of my own head and blog sometimes.

    Here's to the balance, and I hope you find it right quick!

  33. Hey there Brenda~ thanks for stopping by and for the support. Your blog is awesome, BTW. I can see why you'd want to stay there and play for hours. Heehee. Good luck to you finding your zen, too.

    Hello Bethany, dear! Thank you for the encouragement. Sie rocken. ;)

    Hi Katey~ stop trying to entice me with tumblr! You naughty. LOL. You're right though, about networking is easier through those venues. Good point. But even they can be time suckers for addicts like moi. I just have to admit I have a problem, and force myself to buckle down and work. Thank you for the support!

  34. Oh pssh. You do what you gotta do, girl. Ain't nobody gonna tell you otherwise! We ADORE you in your capacity as Queen of ALL THE BLOGS EVERYWHERE, but even if you're only flitting here and there once a week instead of three or four, its not going to matter to us. Cliches only become cliches by being true nine times out of ten, and it really is the thought that counts. Knowing others are out there, even if they don't check in every single time we post, is all that really matters.

    And listen, I know we joke about me being superman and all, but we all make sacrifices in the name of prioritizing and finding the best possible balance. Sure, I can throw up a blog post quickly and frequently, but I sacrifice in other areas - a lot of times it literally IS 'throwing a blog post out there', and I don't take the time to format properly and it comes out very stream of consciousness, which isn't necessarily the best thing for a blog/platform. And I don't comment on nearly as many blogs and tweets as I'd like to, not even on everyone who comments on mine, and oh if only we had all the time in the world, but...we're writers first and foremost, all of us. And at the end of the day, not one of us will ever begrudge another for needing to put their novels and characters and stories first.

  35. Kalen, thank you for your kindnesses always! And yes, I'm only half-serious when I trump about your superpowers. I have no doubt in my mind that you sacrifice, like we all do. But you are still awesomeness incarnate anyway, and I'll always picture the energizer bunny when I think of you. LOL. Thanks for dropping in!

  36. I think everyone has already said anything I was going to say in reply to your post, so I will just agree with all of the above ;)

    I'm just stopping by to tell you that I'll have something for you on my blog tomorrow. I know you've already gotten the award and you don't have to follow any of the rules (at all), but I wanted to point my followers in your direction.

    Have fun regaining your passion!

  37. You are most certainly not inadequate! I am always amazed by how much writing everyone else seems to get done while juggling multiple jobs and families and blogs while I, alas, am not superhuman.

  38. I found you through a link from "Blue stocking mum". I'm so glad I read this post. I've been feeling like blogging, facebook, twitter etc. take up so much time I'm not really writing anymore. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I think I need to step back from it as well. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more from you.

  39. Go and write! Your blog is awesome but your MS deserves your time.
    I do blog Fridays - the only day of the week I read/check them. (Except when I'm on now!) ;-)

  40. Hi Caitlin! Yay! A surprise, huh? I do lurv me a good surprise. :) I will be there, nice lady. Thank you so much for the props!

    Taryn, hello! See, I'm not so super after all. I was just a REALLY good actress. You and I, we're cut of the same cloth. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know I'm not alone in my humanness. ;)

    Welcome Sylvia! That Bluestocking Mum is a gem. :) I'm so glad my post made you feel better. I'm actually floored and relieved by how many of us feel this way. It's nice to know we're not alone, right? Good luck w/finding your writer's zen! And thanks so much for stopping by. P.S. I love your blog's name! I'm a bit of an Alice In Wonderland buff myself. ;)

    Hi Melodie! Well, even if we blog on different days, I can still read yours! I'll just hop over on Wednesday and catch your prior Friday blog. Have fun on vacation! :) BTW, I clicked on your profile but it didn't link to a blog. Could you leave me your URL?

  41. Whoa, where'd my comment go? I could've sworn I left one on Wednesday and I came back to check in and... what the hell, computer?

    Maybe your blog's trying to get me back?

    Anyhow, yes, the balance is a weird thing. On the one hand, we can't write in a vacuum. On the other, the distractions can mean death to the day's writing time, and what are we if we lose that? Putting the writing first is always awesome.

    Hey, so that should come naturally. Cuz you're awesome!

  42. Grr. No Katey, you DID post another comment, and so did Kalen. Blogger's been on the fritz for two days and for some sad reason, the tech peeps SCREWED up the comments on random posts when they did their maintanance. I'm so mad I might just go back through my email and repost the ones that were omitted. Growl.

    Anyway, I really appreciate your kinds words again. ;)

  43. I've struggled with this, too. It's why I finally had to adopt a blog schedule of two days a week. And I still cheat a little. It IS so much fun hanging out here with my friends, chatting about writing, telling jokes... but the good story is the most important thing.

    You'll find your groove! Hang in there~ <3 (hope you're all better now!)

  44. Hi Leigh! Two days a week sounds pretty managable. If my once a week is a breeze, I might move up to twice. ;)

    Thanks so much for your support, and yes, the surgery went great and I'm feeling good. :)

  45. I've been doing the same thing lately. I have a full-time job and my writing has fallen lower and lower on my to-do list. I decided that blogging (while fun and entertaining) shouldn't be ahead of writing on that list. Plus, I've been putting a lot more focus on my health and exercising as much as possible. I'm training for a half marathon in 3 weeks (eep!) and I need to be ready.

    You're definitely not inadequate! Kudos for re-arranging your priorities so you're happier and more productive :)

  46. Hi Keriann! Good for you with the marathon! Wow. That takes so much self discipline. I'll be cheering you on in spirit. :)

    And thanks so much for the support. I'm feeling pretty good about the decision and already seeing improvement in my writing progress.

  47. *Announcement* When Blogger went down on May 12 and 13th, it lost several comments on this post(I swear, I didn't delete your posts, guys). In fact, I'm trying to find them and repost them because there were some REALLY awesome ones from some of my best blogging buds that I'd like to be able to revisit for encouragement from time to time. So far I've found one, so here it comes...


    Oh pssh. You do what you gotta do, girl. Ain't nobody gonna tell you otherwise! We ADORE you in your capacity as Queen of ALL THE BLOGS EVERYWHERE, but even if you're only flitting here and there once a week instead of three or four, its not going to matter to us. Cliches only become cliches by being true nine times out of ten, and it really is the thought that counts. Knowing others are out there, even if they don't check in every single time we post, is all that really matters.

    And listen, I know we joke about me being superman and all, but we all make sacrifices in the name of prioritizing and finding the best possible balance. Sure, I can throw up a blog post quickly and frequently, but I sacrifice in other areas - a lot of times it literally IS 'throwing a blog post out there', and I don't take the time to format properly and it comes out very stream of consciousness, which isn't necessarily the best thing for a blog/platform. And I don't comment on nearly as many blogs and tweets as I'd like to, not even on everyone who comments on mine, and oh if only we had all the time in the world, but...we're writers first and foremost, all of us. And at the end of the day, not one of us will ever begrudge another for needing to put their novels and characters and stories first.

    And my response to you Mr. Kalen:

    Thank you for your kindnesses always! And yes, I'm only half-serious when I trump about your superpowers. I have no doubt in my mind that you sacrifice, like we all do. But you are still awesomeness incarnate anyway, and I'll always picture the energizer bunny when I think of you. LOL. Thanks for dropping in!

  48. I can't believe how many I'm finding! More lost comments:

    Caitlin Vincent:

    I think everyone has already said anything I was going to say in reply to your post, so I will just agree with all of the above ;)

    I'm just stopping by to tell you that I'll have something for you on my blog tomorrow. I know you've already gotten the award and you don't have to follow any of the rules (at all), but I wanted to point my followers in your direction.

    Have fun regaining your passion!

    Taryn Tyler:

    You are most certainly not inadequate! I am always amazed by how much writing everyone else seems to get done while juggling multiple jobs and families and blogs while I, alas, am not superhuman.

    Sylvia Ney:

    I found you through a link from "Blue stocking mum". I'm so glad I read this post. I've been feeling like blogging, facebook, twitter etc. take up so much time I'm not really writing anymore. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I think I need to step back from it as well. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more from you.


    Go and write! Your blog is awesome but your MS deserves your time.
    I do blog Fridays - the only day of the week I read/check them. (Except when I'm on now!) ;-)

    My responses to your kindnesses...

    Hi Caitlin! Yay! A surprise, huh? I do lurv me a good surprise. :) I will be there, nice lady. Thank you so much for the props!

    Taryn, hello! See, I'm not so super after all. I was just a REALLY good actress. You and I, we're cut of the same cloth. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know I'm not alone in my humanness. ;)

    Welcome Sylvia! That Bluestocking Mum is a gem. :) I'm so glad my post made you feel better. I'm actually floored and relieved by how many of us feel this way. It's nice to know we're not alone, right? Good luck w/finding your writer's zen! And thanks so much for stopping by.

    Hi Melodie! Well, even if we blog on different days, I can still read yours! I'll just hop over on Wednesday and catch your prior Friday blog. Have fun on vacation! :) BTW, I clicked on your profile but it didn't link to a blog. Could you leave me your URL?

  49. You are SO not the only one that feels this way. I struggle with it daily! I know writing is what I need to do, yet focusing my energy to that when you have a blog started is a hard thing.
    Good for you!

  50. Hi Deana! Thanks for the support. You and I seem to be in the same pickle, right? LOL. Well, I finally feel like I'm getting a grip on the prioritizing. All of the encouragement from my writing pals has really contributed to my ability to make the break "guilt-free."

  51. Hey Anita :) You posted this before I met you (I think. How long have we 'known' each other?) but wowza, I found it right when I needed it. You're my personal genie or something. Goodness, but limiting internet craziness sounds like a good idea.....
