Thursday, July 21, 2011

Attack of the Bloodsucking Pygmy Goats...

Nope, it's not my usual posting day. Once again, zaniness has infected my blog. The talented Miss Michelle Simkins has knitted a most adorably cute and creepy zombunny named Ryan:

He's one of a kind (and shares my son's name), so I must needs to have him! I'd like to prop him cozily beside my keyboard and sing happy songs to him each day. But I'm not the only one who wants him *eyes Justin warily*. Michelle, in her generosity, has concocted a contest to settle the question of Ryan's destination.

Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to, "Create something involving some kind of cute fuzzy thing that is also a monster. Whatever you like, so long as it is cute evil."


I accept your challenge, oh Michelle of the brilliant nonsense!

Introducing Clive, the Bloodsucking Pygmy Goat, in a silent movie adaptation of his evil night on the town.

Thank you, Clive! Take a bow for the audience.

Ermmm. He's looking a little hungry, so we should move along to the credits. I'd like to thank Kevin Macleod for providing the free royalty-free song clip at his website:  And google images for providing the silent film stills and intertitles.

Disclaimer: No salesgirls were harmed in the making of this film. Any transfer of blood was consensual and soon forgotten.  

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend, everyone! (Watch the skies ... those might be more than bats up there.)


  1. HAHAHAHA! Sheer comedic genius. Oh how will the blog followers choose the winner???

  2. OH. OH MY GOD.



  3. OH MY GOSH.


    My mouth is still hanging open in shock. And thanks for waking me up this a.m. with that awesome vid.

  4. LOL! Thanks for giving my morning laugh. I'll be chuckling about that one all day.

  5. Haha! Thanks guys! It was fun to make. Clive is an awfully cute little devil. And thanks Michelle for inspiring me! I hopes to win that bunny... :)

  6. Hilarious! I LOVE goats. They are so clever. Love their beady little goat eyes. They walk that fine line between cute and evil...sort of like Bunnicula. Nice job!

  7. Nigel was out grazing in the yard this morning, babbling on and on about his friend's "brilliant" theatrical debut. I assumed he was just blowing English smoke up my arse--but, apparently that panty thief tells the truth on occasion. That was BRILLIANT! How do you come up with this stuff, seriously?! You're a genius. Pure GENIUS!

    Side note: The swooning shop lady looks JUST like my mother did in her senior picture. Sans the blood thirsty goat.

    Greengal, if Anita doesn't win, you should probably lock your doors and hide all of your fairies.

  8. Thanks Stephanie!

    And hey there Rookstar! Thanks for the godfather-like support! LOVE THAT. LOL

  9. That was fantastic! I love Clive.

  10. Haha, funny...
    Speaking of zombie bunnies, I wrote a story about vampire bunnies when I was 10. Is there a connection? Perhaps. Does that mean another person wants that knitted bunny...

  11. This is exactly what I needed today! Unforgettable laughs. Thanks.

  12. Thanks ladies! So nice that you dropped by! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ;) And I'm tickled that I could make you smile.

    And Kaylie,as fast as you write, you could definitely get an entry ready in time for the contest! LOL

  13. YES!! BLOOD SUCKING PYGMY GOATS UNITE! That was the coolest thing I've seen all day. And I talked to a woman born in 1910 today!

    I'm not worthy! *bows to the queen of all things goatly*

  14. SOOOO CUTE. Everyone will want to pet Clive and then he'll suck their blood.

  15. Hi Mare and Keriann! Thanks gals. :) I'm quite taken with Clive. LOL

    Mare~ Wow on the woman born in 1910! That's incredible!

  16. Silent movie goat madness seems strangely appropriate for you blog. Clive is definitely a cute evil pygmy goat, aww.

  17. Holy pygmy goat, that was awesome. You've officially made my day.

  18. Hee. Thanks Sophia. ;)

    Milo, welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. :) And I'm so happy it made you smile. LOL

  19. Clive is TOTALLY my new hero. Dude, this was the most adorable thing EVER. Also a little sick, but, well, you know my day isn't complete without THAT.

    God, you are wonderful.

  20. Thanks, Katey! :) Yes, we all need a little derangement to keep us sane. LOL

  21. So funny. You're an artiste with zee film, Ms. Anita.

  22. LOL... You must be the most creative person I know... How do you come up with this madness?? ;)

  23. Hee. Hmm. I'm gonna pull a Stephanie Meyer and say I dreamed it. Yeah. Let's go with that. ;) Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!

  24. Very nice, Anita, my talented friend! Well done! Donna's Dress Shop thanks you :) But Zombunny is still mine! Bwahahahahahaha!

  25. Haha. Thanks Justin! That means a lot coming from one so talented as you! :) This has been a fun contest, no matter the outcome.

    P.S. Ryan says he wants to live in Texas. Bethany told me so.


  26. Sorry if this is a duplicate comment, Anita - my Google account is staging a protest of some kind. Any-whoo...this was hysterical! The kind of snort-Diet-Coke-out-my-nose laughter I needed! Thanks for the levity!

  27. Kathryn~ No prob. And it wasn't a duplicate. Thanks so much for stopping by and watching. Hee.

    I'm so glad it made you laugh! ;)
