Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In the absence of words...

A typical work week for me is sitting in front of the computer for 8 to 10 hours a day, no weekends off (with small breaks in between to chauffeur kids around, make meals, or do laundry and occasionally but rarely housework--ha!). The majority of this time, I'm either writing words on my latest project or an interview, fixing words for my editor, or exchanging words (fun and amicable ones, of course) online via social media.

So much time spent with text can be mind-numbing. And sometimes I need a break from all the letters of the alphabet running tangents through my head. One of my favorite escapes is music. Even better if I can find music that tells a story ... because at my heart I'm a storyteller, and that's something I never tire of.

So, for any of you who've been slaving over sentences and scenes or even just typing up things for your boss or your business, I offer this haitus via a beautiful heartbreaking story set in a post-apocolyptic setting, told only through song and computer animation. A feast for the ears and eyes, and an escape for the weary mind.


Note: I am not the creator of this video. I found it on Youtube and fell madly in love. It's actually a clip from a short movie that has words spoken throughout. Here's the link for anyone interested in watching the original.

Thank you for indulging my tribute to the muse of music, and have a lovely week. :)


  1. That's haunting and beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I bet the creators of Wall-E are feeling pretty stupid right about now. That was SO cool. And creepy. And sad. *sigh*

  3. Wow. That was beautiful. And very, very sad.

  4. Lori~ You're welcome. And yeah, it captivated the instant I heard the voice. Then I saw the incredible animation and I was HOOKED.

    Bethany~ Are you playing hookie at work? LOL. And you crack me up w/the Wall-E ref. Hee.

    Cherie~ I know. It broke my heart at the end. Sniff. But it was worth it. ;)

  5. I totally just watched it again. Un-freaking-believable.

  6. Hey Katey~ Oh, yeah! I posted this on your blog once. I know, it's addictive, right?

  7. I love Lisa Gerrard. Thanks for pointing the way to this haunting video.

  8. wow. And Shew! Glad I"m not the only one who likes weird but beautiful things like this~ :o) <3

  9. Court~ Me, too! Her music is so ethereal. It takes you to another world and submerses you.

    Leigh~ Haha! Yeah, probably not many people actually sat through it, judging by my sparse comments. But I'm still glad I posted it! It touched my heart so I had to share. :) Thanks for checking it out!

  10. That song in the background was g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s.

  11. Caitlin~ It was, wasn't it? I use that song a lot for sad/ emotional scenes. It really inspires me!
