Friday, August 12, 2011

BIG HAPPENINGS on the horizon...

Details coming soon. Here's a little teaser ... listen closely to the last few sentences of Jeff Bridges' monologue (0:35).

Check back next week for full disclosure! Until then, have an AWESOME weekend. :) 


  1. OMG! "I GOT IN!" You're seriously KILLING me by withholding details here. Seriously. No really. :)

  2. Oh boy...sounds exciting! Happy is good, hold on to that feeling with both hands and don't let go!!! Sending positive vibes!

  3. Oh wow ... some Tron fans are going to FLIP - OUT!

  4. Full disclosure NEXT WEEK?!?! Why do you do these things to me??

    Sophie - I am hoping that it's Splintered fans that are going to be flipping out (i.e. ME!)


  5. Squeeeeeee!

    That is all. Can't wait!

  6. No, No, No!! You can't do this to me (especially since I have NO sound on my laptop! lol!). You know the expression, "The suspense is killing me"? Well, I feel like I'm going to throw up--seriously, my stomach dropped when I read the title of your post! ;o)

    I am SOOOOO excited for the details!! I can't be sure, but I'm thinking some congratulations are in order?!?!? Can't wait to hear more!!

  7. No YOU have a awesome weekend. Very tricksty of you, and clever. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading the details next week.

  8. Heehee. Thanks guys! I'm DYING TO SPILL THE BEANS. But I must needs wait. Just wanted to let you all know that "something" is in the works. :)

  9. "I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then ... I got in."

    OMG - I hope this means what I think it means!!! Ooooh, I can't wait to find out!! You're such a tease ;). Congratulations in advance for your "something." :D :D :D :D

  10. We're so excited for you Anita. Smiling in anticipation.

  11. AHHH!!!!!! You are killing me girl!!!! Fingers and toes crossed, prayers going up, nervous twitching commenced LOL

    Love ya :-)

  12. YOU ARE WICKED. And that's why we love you. Though the suspense might kill me . . .

  13. If you are going to tell me what happened on the first episode of BACHELOR PAD I'm going to be really pissed. I haven't watched it yet.


  14. Gahaha! I love this clip and all it's possible meanings for you! Can't wait to hear the big news. :D

  15. Oh! My! Awesome! And I'm jealous because I have been trying to come up with a really cool method to share my own news (ha ha,that's my teaser) but man, I haven't thought of anything half this cool and this was just a pre-show! You rock my socks.

    Also, I gave you the Liebster award on my blog, for even though I have no idea if you meet the specifications I still wanted to give it to you. So congratulations. Can't wait to hear more about your whole new world.

  16. Thanks guys!! Rookstar, you CRACK me up always!! And Liesl, thanks for the award! Oh, and CONGRATS! I'm VERY excited to hear your news, too. SWEET!

  17. Still on vacation but HAD to comment here :) Looking forward to next week.....

  18. Gleep! I know what it is....ahhahhhhhaaa.

  19. Love love love! So excited and can't wait!

  20. Thanks gals! Soon ... very very soon. :)

  21. Yay!! I'm excited to find out what it is! :)


    Wait a second, it looks like I'm writing "Gomg" now. *shakes head*

    BUT OMG!!!!! How am I JUST reading this post NOW?!!!!! Starts pacing, so excited. SOOOOO excited.

    *Puts patience cap back on, for forthcoming news* <3333 u twin!

  23. Thanks Chantele and Kerri! Tomorrow's the BIG DAY! I"m so pysched!

  24. one word: :D (BIG smile)

    ... :o) ((hugs))

  25. I'm so freaking excited! Is it tomorrow yet? Is it? Is it? xoxo

  26. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!! Does this mean what I think it means???????
