Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First kisses, fiery operas, and blog awards, oh my!

I’ve been looking through my “blog post ideas” document (yes, I’m geeky enough that I actually have one—eek) and realized that I was given several awards over the last few months which I’ve never acknowledged or handed out.

SO, today I’m playing catch-up. As I’ve been prone to do, I’m changing the award rules mainly because if I followed all of them, this post would take the ENTIRE month to read. As it is, we're already bordering on tomorrow.

To save time, I’m listing the original rules to each award along with how I plan on circumventing most of them (heehee).

On with the awards!

Thank you sparkly Cherie from Ready. Write. Go. for the Cute Blogger and Awesomesauce awards!

In turn, I bequeath the puppy to:

Puppy Club rules are:

1st RULE: You do not talk about Puppy Club.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Puppy Club.


Instead, you talk about 5 books/films/TV shows you’ve read or watched in the last 12 months. In answer to this, let me direct you to the list of seven books that made me who I am today. I figure they’re even more consequential than the ones I’ve read recently, considering how they shaped me when my mind was young and pliant.

My Awesomesauce nominees:
Mindy McGinnis for consistently coming up with new series ideas for her blog along with clever acronyms to represent them. She ROX at this! Just go see!

Bethany Crandall because she's not only witty and charming, but she's also a spectacular writer and #goatposse activist. OH, and she has a hamster living in her brain. If that's not awesomesauce, I don't know what is.

Jenny Phresh because her diabolically wicked and sharp wit never cease to amaze, astound, and impress me. She's also a respected member of #goatposse and can write prose as eloquent as any Charlotte Bronte poem when she sets her mind to it, both of which are no small feat for a pony.

Michelle Simkins, a faerie queen with a green thumb, a crafter, a writer, and an exceptionally creative blogger who excels at networking. Oh, and she's #goatposse, too. How she juggles all of these talents and still has time to twitter-play with us is beyond me. Such a busy lady deserves a side of Awesomesauce on her full plate.


1. Thank and link to the person who gave me this fabulous piece of work. Check!

2. Pay it forward to no more than one person per month. Elaborate why said person is deserving of said award. Yep. I cheated on that. But it's justified! Since I've had this award going on three months now, I opted to nominate three winners. And I added one extra for next month, because I doubt I'll be giving the award out again after this.

3. Answer the following questions:

- What is your favorite song currently playing on your iPod, CD player, etc.?
Letters VS. Numbers - My Turn to Evil. Because it's EPIC and the words are disturbing. 

- If we peek into your Internet history, what would we find?
Lots of research on opera and also tigers eye gemstones. They both play roles in my current YA WIP, a Phantom of the Opera spinoff. One opera in particular: The Fiery Angel, is very symbolic throughout the story.

-And lastly, what is your all-time favorite movie that you watch over and over again?
Some Kind of Wonderful. BEST FIRST KISS EVER! Here, let me show you...

 I related to the story because I crushed on my best friend in high school and he never knew. Unrequited love is so deliciously painful! But this movie always made me smile because the ending is what I would've wanted for us (back before I met super-hubbie and found TRUE love, that is).  ;) 

Next, A.M. Springer of Inner Owlet (aka Owlgoat), Liesl of Writers Ropes and Hopes, and Brenda from Write Turn Ahead handed me this lovely little award:

Liebster is German for either “friend” “favorite” or “lobster”. I’m not sure which. So either my blog’s appreciated by these generous ladies for its charm, or it has really big red claws that are tasty when steamed and they’re craving some seafood. Whatever the case, THANK YOU ladies, for the gift!

The rules of the award are simple:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog or twitter.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have bloggity-blog fun!

The goal of this award is to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers. Since I don’t technically qualify, I won’t be posting the award at the bottom of my blog with the others. But I WILL take this opportunity to pass it on to some excellent bloggers who deserve 200 followers and more. And since three people gave it to me, guess what? I get to pick FIFTEEN to pass it on to. Squee! If you have never visited these blogs, please take the time to drop by soon. They're so worth the visit.

Last but not least, Anne Michaud at Musings & Little Obsessions gave me the versatile blogger award. Thanks Anne! This lady is a fabulous short short story writer, so hop over to her blog and check out her prose. 

And the nominees are:

The rules are:

1. Thank and link to the person(s) who nominated you.
2. Share seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to five blogging buddies.
4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them.

To whit I direct you to an earlier post where I met the requirements (same rules as The Stylish Blogger Award) with the seven reasons my MC is way cooler than me. And for a little teaser, that post inspired another I'm planning in a couple of weeks called: seven ways my antagonist is way tastier than a cookie. Heh.

Well, that's it for the awards folks. Whew. Congrats to the winners, and to the rest of my lovely readers, thanks for bearing with me! Have a wonderful last half of the week and a restful and productive weekend. :)


  1. So funny Anita - I was doing some digital housekeeping this morning, adding links to my blog. I pulled you up to be sure I had the right address and you'd nominated me for the versatile blogger award. I'm pleased and flattered, thanks so much!

  2. HOLY COW That's certainly a long list of awards and new recipients. Congrats to you and the new recipients.

    *cheers* Yay for the passing along the AwesomeSauce award! :)

    Oh and I love 'Some Kind of Wonderful' I had the biggest crush on Eric Stolz! <3

  3. Your WIP sounds AWESOME! I'm a HUGE Phantom of the Opera fan (saw the musical 3 times--once in Toronto at the Pantages Theatre), so it sounds right up my alley!

    Oh, and congrats to all the award recipients!

  4. Wooohoo, lady! Congrats on all the awards. ;-) And so you know, I keep a list of blog ideas too. Well, right now I don't have one but if I get one I'll write it down. Ha!
    Congrats to the recipients too!

  5. 1st, thank you for the award! I shall post it on my blog with PRIDE! You kind comments fill me with pride and make me blush a little.

    SECOND--woman, our hearts beat in sync. I looooove Some Kind of Wonderful, it's probably my favorite teen romance comedy 80's flick of all time. Why do I not have a copy? I must remedy this situation at once! I STILL have a huge crush on Mary Stuart Masterson. "Pretend I'm a girl." Oh honey, I do not have to pretend! HA!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of awards! You rock XD Thanks so much for the award, Anita. Also, I totally have a 'blog post ideas' document too XD

  7. Thanks for the award, Anita! In the words of Wayne and Garth, "I'm not worthy." (Or is it "unworthy?")

  8. Jane~ You're welcome! I was going to tweet you and let you know you got one. You beat me to it. LOL

    Sophie~ I LOVE the Awesomesauce award. It makes my tummy growl. Hee

    Angela~ Hey there! Thanks on the WIP. It'll be nice when I can get back to it. I'm editing my adult literary now in the hopes my agent can find a home for it.

    Jessie~ Thanks! And so relieved I'm not the only geek! Heehee

    Michelle~ OMG! I crushed on both Eric and Mary. Their chemistry just POPPED. SWOON.

    Lori~ You're welcome. And yay! Now I know of two other bloggers who are just as anal about posts as me. LOL

    Jennifer~ Haha. You said it right the first time. But it's totally not true! Enjoy the award, diva sistah.

  9. Alright! Congrats to the awardees!! Well-deserving people indeed.

    And look at you, Ms. Anita! The ever popular queen of loveliness and er...goatliness?! Hehe.

    BIG WUB! <3

  10. I would like to thank the Academy of AGH for such a kind prize *blush*

  11. Woohoo on all the awards!! You deserve them all! :) Thanks for passing one along my way :)

  12. I LOOOOOOOVE that scene in Some Kind of Wonderful. I get stupid just thinking about it.

    Thanks for all the kind words, and for the company in which my award was presented. Mindy, Phreshy Phresh and Green Gal??? Seriously?! I'm not worthy!

  13. Thanks for the award! I so appreciate it! Your blog certainly has garnered some bling!

  14. Very cool awards--love the puppy! I have a lot of blog visiting to do now! :)

  15. You are up to your armpits in amazing awards! All well-earned! I LOVE the one you gave me...I have always coveted that little saucy beauty. I will display and bequeath with pride. Thank you, thank you.

  16. Any one who references Fight Club while showing me clips of Some Kind of Wonderful is a winner in my book.

    Although I think Puppy Club is less dangerous than Fight Club---but I could be wrong.


  17. Cherie~ Hi Sparkles! Thank you lady. I would've nominated you for a few but you already HAVE THEM ALL. LOL

    Anne~ Heehee. Sorry I didn't have a trophy for your mantel. But this is just as good, right? :)

    Jemi~ Thank you to the lady with the beautiful name and profile pick. Enjoy it! You earned it.

    Bethany~ Hey there Rookstar. YOu are SO totally worthy, my friend. And don't you forget it. :)

    Ryan~ You're so welcome! I hope you enjoy it. You've got a great blog and a lot of guts for doing a video post! SWEET.

    Jenny~ Heehee. Yep, but so are you! I've seen your blog lately, my pony girl. And you're VERY deserving of a heaping helping of awesomesauce.

    Tirz~ Why thank you! And yay! I wasn't sure if anyone else got that Fight Club ref, so you get lots of extra points for knowing that. AWESOME movie w/the best twist EVAH. :)

  18. Great post and wow - what a great list of recipients! Found you over on Tonya's blog (we went to college together) and love your blog:)

  19. LOL! You have been a busy lady! I need to do something similar at some point... As for first kisses, ooo! I remember seeing that one again not too long ago. It IS very good. I'm thinking there should be a blogfest of fave first movie kisses. Just for research, of course~ :D <3

  20. Holy cow popular lady! You know I have never seen some kind of wonderful before, I'll have to check it out :)

  21. Congrats, Anita!! Well deserved, as always!! :)

  22. Congrats on all the awards! Wow, that was a lot of housekeeping to take care of. And I agree, your current WiP sounds AWESOMESAUCE.

  23. Girl, you are spreading the love! Thanks so much!

  24. Thanks so much, Anita! I really appreciate the shout-out, and I enjoyed reading this post and finding some great new bloggers to follow. I believe I owe you an email, coming soon :) Thanks again.

  25. What a great collection of honors, links and fun facts!

    It's always nice to get some housekeeping done.

  26. My goodness, have you ever been busy! Thank you kindly for my award :) I'm flattered to be named alongside so many other fabulous bloggers.

  27. Lindsay~ Thanks so much for dropping by! Tonya has a great blog. :) How cool to have known each other since college!

    Leigh~ Hey girl! YES, things are insane right now w/the beginning of school and my latest writing project. Remember my Zen post?? Having trouble finding my balance at the moment. Heh. What an awesome idea about the blogfest! Count me in if you do it. Oh, and I owe you an email!

    J.A.~ Thanks! You NEED to watch this movie! It will make you feel like a teenager all over again. :)

    Ashley~ Thanks lovely girl!

    Keriann~ Nice to see you, pal. And yep, if I could only get my REAL housekeeping done in one shot like I did my blog's, then we'd be set. Heh

    stephanie~ You're so welcome!

    Sarah~ You're welcome! It's been so fun meeting an Amulet sibling. :) I got your email, BTW. I'll answer soon...

    Catwoods~ Thanks! Yes, too bad keeping house is an on going project that never let's up. LOL

    CAitlin~ You're welcome! And yes, there are a lot of FAB peeps here in the blogasphere. I'm honored to know so many. :)

  28. Gosh, you reminded me that I have a blog award to respond to, as well. Better get on that.

    And I'm sort of ashamed to say that I've never watched Some Kind of Wonderful. I should probably get on that, too. :)

  29. Hey TS! YES, you must needs to watch SKOW. It's just like the title says ... wonderful. :)

  30. That's a lot of awards! WOOT WOOT for awesomeness!! :D

  31. Woohoo! You always make me smile, Anita! Thank you!

  32. A.M.~ Right? Housecleaning is WORK. LOL

    LisaAnn~ You're welcome! You deserve it. Have fun spreading the lobster love. haha!

  33. I'm SOOO behind on my blogging due to that darn novel I was writing...and have FINALLY completed. So now, time to catch up! THANK YOU so much for the blogger award!!!!! You are way too sweet! I will post the award & mention you in on my blog, as well as a link, in the next couple days!

    Again, CONGRATS, on being "legit!" So happy for you!

  34. Tonya~ YAY! I'm just glad you stumbled over here and found your little treasure. Enjoy your award! It's well earned. And thank you again so much for your support. :)
