Thursday, October 13, 2011

Children of a Peculiar Nature...

Today I'm highlighting the trailer for the book I'm reading: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I'm a sucker for dark fairy tales, and with the music in the background and the "story telling" approach to the narrative, all it took was one viewing of this video, and this book moved to the top of my to read list. Goes to show what a good trailer can do. :)

If you know of a trailer that's dark, melancholy, creepy, or atmospheric, or if you have one you would like me to consider posting sometime, please leave a link in the comment section.  (I prefer videos that don't exceed 3 minutes.)

Thanks for dropping by and happy weekend!


  1. Wow!!! That trailer was awesome!! Definitely makes me want to read the book. Cool new Thursday feature you got going here, Miss Anita ;o)

  2. Wasn't that cool? :) I'm about halfway through the book now, and it's pretty creepy good. A little different than I expected, but I'm still enjoying it.

    Thanks for popping in, my dear goatling! <3

  3. ooo... I want to read that book! I've been hearing about it, and what a Trailer. I didn't think I'd like trailers so much. :D

  4. Oh my gosh.
    That trailer ROCKS! Now I totally want to read the book. lol

  5. I want that globe lamp!!! This is creepy, but awesome! I love this trailer!!

  6. Oh, great. Another book I have to read. :oP

    That's a fantastic trailer.

  7. Leigh~ RIGHT?? It's one of my FAVES.

    Jessie~ It's soooo creepy fun! Those are the best kinds, that just hint at the story, then leave you drooling. Heh

    Ashley~ Thanks for popping by, gal. Haha about the lamp! You have a good eye, obviously.

    RN~ Nice to see you! LOL. Sorry to add to your TBR list. You should see mine on GoodReads. It's insane. ;)

  8. I love this! I almost bought the book at my local B&N, but alas, I was there to pick up Daughter of Smoke and Bone so I didn't get this. Will do the next time I go.

    Thanks for sharing the trailer. That's really well done. ;)

  9. Cherie~ Hey there sparkles. Yay! You'll have to let me know what you think of it. The pictures are FANTASTIC.

  10. This book has been on my tbr list since before it was released. This video does nothing to change my mind :-)

  11. I saw that trailer awhile ago, but I had to stop and watch it again. Love it. I've got the book on my TBA list and am curious to see what you think once you've finished.

    I posted a youtube on my blog awhile ago which has the same kind of feel, vaguely. It inspires me, but unfortunately isn't a trailer. I guess I'll have to write the story :)

  12. Sarah~ Haha. I know, right? It sucked me in from the first chord of mystical music. :)

    Pat~ I remember this post! That was such a beautiful video. I might have to post it on mine (with ref to you of course, for helping me find it) just so my readers can see it. LOVE it. And that song, 18 by Moby, is so atmospheric and moving.

  13. Eeeeeek!! I cannot wait to read this. (A friend of mine was supposed to mail this to be when she finished...hmm...)

  14. Heh. Erm...that FRIEND is naughty because they've yet to finish said book. Ahem.

    BUT they're working on it! ;)

  15. Awesome trailer-can't wait to read this!

  16. It's a very cool concept. :) The guy wrote the story using a bunch of creepy pics he found, and they're all inside the book for extra eye candy. Thanks so much for stopping in and for the follow!

  17. I just bought this one last week. The trailer is amazing!

  18. Yes, it had me at hello. :) Let me know what you think of the read!

  19. Oooh, that is awesome!! So sophisticated...sigh.I've been wanting to read this for a while but have heard mixed reviews. Think I'll give it a go anyway!
