Monday, January 23, 2012

Announcing the YAmazing winners of the MGnificent Prizes:

At least for my blog contest ... you'll have to hop over here for the announcement of the official Apocalypsies YAmazing race gift packages. (Not sure when they'll be posting it ... just keep checking in.) was on the ball tonight, so I decided to post his selections early...

First, I had this 6 piece set of Alice In Wonderland Gift tags/Bookmarks up for grabs~

And the winner of the gift tag/book mark set is:

Zara Alexis

Then I had ten of these Wonderland-themed autographed bookplates so you can personalize your own copy of Splintered one day~

And the winners of the bookplates in no particular order are:

1. Maria from Fantasy's Ink
2. Angela V. Cook
3. Michele from Just a lil' lost
4. Petra from Safari Poet
5. Hannah Lorraine
6. Katherine Skye
7. Heather from Books and Quilts
8. MaryAnn from Chapter by Chapter
9. Silent Shade
10. Kristen from The Cozy Reading Corner

Congrats winners and thank you everyone for playing! By now I've emailed you for your addresses. The names highlighted in black will need to contact me with contest winner in the subject line (my email is in my profile) or leave their emails in the comment section below because I couldn't find their contact info.

Everyone else, good luck with the Apocalypsies prize packages! And be sure to stop by from time to time; I'll be having lots more giveaways for Alice and Splintered swag before the release date!


  1. wow, thanks for hosting. This was a fun way to travel to a bunch of 'new to me' authors and their books. Am looking forward to a lot of exciting reading.

  2. Congratulations to all the winners :-)

  3. Oh wow!! I'm soooo excited!! Off to email you my address right now! Thanks for hosting such a fun give-a-way :o)

  4. Woot, woot! Congratulations to the winners! I'm holding out for a red-carpet, movie premiere prize package for this book ;)
