Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ah, spring is here! A time for chirping birds, delicate rain showers, and blossoming BOOK TRAILERS. Oh, and also generous bunny rabbits with baskets full of goodies.

Mr. Fluffy-Britches up there stopped by my blog to give away a Spring-tastic gift package to three lucky winners (only U.S. residents, please).

Here's a peek at the prizes:

I. YA Fantasy Book Package:
Enchanted Ivy by Sarah Beth Durst
Shadow by Jenny Moss
The Rose and the Beast by Francesca Lia Block

II. Adult Literary Novel Package:
Miss Garnet's Angel by Salley Vickers
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Blind Contessa's New Machine by Carey Wallace

III. Alice in Wonderland Post Cards Package
Set includes one postcard of the following images:

-Alice portrait
-Red Queen portrait
-Mad Hatter portrait
-White Rabbit portrait
-Cheshire Cat
-Humpty Dumpty
-Tweedledee & Tweedledum
-The White Rabbit's House
-The Caterpillar
-Still Life with Live Flowers
-Alice and the Piglet
-The Mad Tea Party

And 12 matching cream envelopes.

I'll also throw in a signed bookplate for SPLINTERED in each package.

But, much like hunting for Easter eggs, these goodies must be earned, which ties in with the aforementioned BOOK TRAILERS.

Three of my dear friends have recently designed and/or created trailers for their debut novels. Two of the gals are presently on submission with publishers (Bethany Crandell and Angela V. Cook), and one has sold her book to Love Inspired (Jessica Nelson). Jessica's book hits shelves on April 3rd, so be watching for it at your local bookstore, or pre-order at Barnes&Noble or Amazon.

Now for the trailers (in no particular order):

#1 SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS by Bethany Crandell

#2 LOVE ON THE RANGE by Jessica Nelson

#3 SPARK by Angela V. Cook

In keeping with the three videos and the three gift packages, there are three steps to enter the drawing (you need only 3 points to get entered; any extra points earns you extra chances):

1. Watch the trailers. Using only the text, pictures, and music, specify what genre each trailer is: YA Paranormal, YA Contemporary, or Inspirational Romance. This will get you your three points to be entered. **If you're unfamiliar with literary terms like genre, contemporary, etc... I have them defined at the very bottom of this post.

2. For extra pointage, either tweet AND/OR like this blog post on FaceBook so we can get some traffic for these up-and-coming debut authors.

3. OPTIONAL: You may tell me which gift package you'd most like to win in the comment section, in case your name is drawn. Use Roman Numerals I, II, or III for reference. Also give me your second choice alternative. I can't promise you'll get the package you choose, but I'll do my best. :)

That's all! Please DO NOT leave your video genre answers in the comment section or I'll have to delete them.

**Use the RaffleCopter widget below to enter. If you've never used one, do not fear! It's awesome. The widget will lead you through each step and then you'll be entered.**

At 12a.m. eastern on April 2nd, the RaffleCopter widget will close. I'll announce the winners on a blog post later Monday morning, and give the winners instructions on reaching me.

Thanks for playing, and see you next week!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


genre - A category of literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content

YA - young adult literature

contemporary - realistic fiction; a story you could actually imagine taking place in the world you live in today

paranormal - a story with fantasy or otherworldly elements such as angels, demons, ghosts, etc...

inspirational romance - a story that has strong religious undertones woven into the romance


  1. Anita, I <3 you :o) Thank you so much for showcasing my trailer on your blog--you're the awesomest (is that a word? Well, it is now :)

    Oh, and I'd love to be entered into the contest!! Though, I think I have a little bit of an advantage with the trailer/genre portion of the contest . . . hehe ;o) As for prizes, my first choice is I, followed by III.

    Off to tweet you up (and watch Jessica's trailer!)

  2. Elizabeth~ Hi! Thanks for entering the contest. I hope you win some blingage. :)

    Angela~ Hey cutie goose. It was my PLEASURE showcasing your lovely trailer. Good luck in the contest. Hee.

  3. *sniff* My heart is swelling with gratitude right now. Thanks BUNDLES for sharing the trailer with your awesome followers ;) And for including me with Angela and Jessica's awesomeness.

    I shall step aside from the contest, however if you have any spare postcards lying around in the garage or something... ♥♥ ♥♥

  4. Rookie~ Now, of course it's my pleasure to have you over front and center. :) BTW, how did you make the hearts??

    Wait ... did you get those from the twitter stuff I sent. Haha! You smart little goat...

  5. Thanks for the giveaway and fantastic trailers! I'd love to win Package III, and the other two would be equally wonderful as a secondary choice. :-)

  6. Hey Kayla~ Thanks for stopping by and playing. Good luck, and here's hoping you get some goodies! :)

  7. Those are great! Good luck to my US buddies :)

  8. Jemi~ Aw, I'm sorry! International shipping's pretty high when there's more than one book in the package. But I promise when I do SPLINTERED giveaways, everyone will be included! :) Thanks so much for watching the videos. :)

  9. Love this! What an awesome giveaway... I'd just die over II, but I'd be happy with anything. Also, what fantastic trailers! I had already seen Bethany's but Jessica and Angela's were news to me. So fun to see what everyone else is writing!

  10. Lisa~ Hey there! So glad you stopped by and entered. I hope you win something! :)

  11. I messed up the tweet link...I thought it would do it for me! Who's lazy? This girl!

    Love your goatastic guts!

    Oh, and my choices are III and then I.


  12. Haha! Loves ya right back, Mare. :) And it's okay if you make mistakes. You're just a kid, after all.

  13. Such a cool giveaway! I think I liked your post on fb a million times tho ;) HEE.

    If I win I'd like package I :) The other two are also awesome, but you know me--I love fantasy!

  14. Aw, so glad you stopped by, Owly! And thanks for playing! Here's hoping you win that fantasy package!

  15. Hey there, Neetz! III would be my pick!


  16. Hey there, Baby H. ;) Thanks for entering! Here's hoping you get a visit from the White Rabbit very soon... Hee

  17. All of the trailers look fantastic! Spark and Summer on the Short Bus both look like books I'd love! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway. :] I'd probably want to win either III or I.

  18. Not entering, just wanted to say that these trailers all look great, and there's at least one book there that will be a must read for me when it's sold!

  19. Gabi~ Thanks so much for entering the contest, and for the video props! You ROCK. :) Good luck!

    Sarah~ Aw, thanks Sarah. So glad you liked them! And don't worry, I'll have plenty more contests that are international. :)

  20. Thanks to all the visitors who peeked at our trailers and special thanks to Anita for hosting us on her lovely blog!! You make my heart sing ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫ ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫ ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫

  21. Awww, Rookie! Thanks for dressing up my comments with the pretties!
