Monday, May 4, 2015

Winners of the Untamed Swag Packs Announced!

Thanks to everyone who checked out the Untamed excerpt and entered the giveaway!

Here are the 10 winners chosen by

1. Teracia Loretan

2. Michele Lisbon

3. Stephanie (no last name, so please send a screenshot of your comment to verify)

4. Rae Lynn

5. Jessica Harrell

6. Jennifer Vickers

7. Ryebrynn

8. Holly J

9. Otherworldly Book Adventure

10. Brooklyn JoAnn Dyer

Since not everyone left an email in their comments, I'm leaving it up to the winners to contact me (use the email on my contact page here). 

Just send me your home address and I'll drop a signed Untamed swag pack in the mail for you!

Everyone else, stay tuned! More sneak peeks and giveaways are on the horizon...

Have a great week. :)


  1. Ugggh lost again :( Oh well. Congrats to the winners :)

    1. Aw, I'm sorry! One of these days you'll win something. You have to! Maybe you should start buttering up I hear he likes virtual choc chip cookies. ;)

  2. Darn! Lost again . . . oh well, congrats to the winners! Hopefully I'll have better luck next time. I am starting to question the presence of Chessie now . . . hehe. ;)

  3. LMAO is that a hint? I dont think he likes me. Ive entered every contest but nope. He's mean lol....maybe we should send HIM down the rabbit hole! :P

  4. OMG I cannot believe my name is on that list!! I am so excited...Congrats to the other winners and hope everyone is having a great night!

  5. Congrats, winners! Seriously looking forward to Untamed-NEED MORE MORPHEUS :) xoxo

  6. Omg i just was able to get on and check this today! Am i still allowed to claim my prize?
