Monday, November 30, 2015

Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Untamed virtual tour!

The giveaways are now ended, and winners have been selected by the rafflecopters. 

The tour coordinators have already contacted each winner via email, so if you see your name below and didn't receive notification, please contact RockStar Book Tours and let them know.

The four winners of the INTL prize packs are as follows:

And below are the winners of the domestic giveaway for 10 Untamed novels, and 5 Untamed posters: 

Congrats to the winners!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and don't forget to watch for Untamed, hitting shelves December 15, 2015! 


  1. If you see your name but weren't notified, who should you contact at Rockstar Book Tours?

  2. Congrats to all the winners!!! :)

  3. I'm sorry, can I ask a question?
    It's a mere coincidence that I entered all of my accounts, and like, half of them have LylĂ­ Volturi, and in here, it appears to be Lily V.... I'm not the winner, right?

    1. Hi Katerina! I think it's probably a coincidence. But if you would like to confirm it with the coordinator of the giveaways, you can email her (name is Jaime) from the link I gave in the post. :)

    2. Thanks! My sister saw this and inmediatly send me the link, I'll ask, what a big coincidence...
