Monday, January 25, 2016

Finished Writing RoseBlood!

At long last, I finally finished writing my Phantom of the Opera spinoff, RoseBlood, due to come out Jan 2017!

Here's the manuscript, printed off in all it's glory -- all 118,000 words of it. @.@

By clicking on the image, you might be able to make out the first few paragraphs, although it's pretty blurry. My cell takes terrible pictures. ;)

If you'd like to know more about the story, follow this link for some RoseBlood FAQs. 

And now come the edits... *coughs*



    1. Thank yooooooooooou! Feels so great to have it wrapped up. :)

  2. Congrats!!! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you got 118,000 words... probably helps that you're really good at writing beautiful descriptions ^u^

    Looking forward to reading this soon, hopefully... Even if we have to wait a couple years [fidgets]

    1. No, not a couple! Only one year. ;) And I promise to make it a fun wait with giveaways, reveals, and excerpts.

      And yeah, most of my books run between 115-120K. They make me cut them down some, but I'm not going to be so willing to do that with this one, considering it's a standalone. It needs every scene I've written. ;)

    2. You're not the only one!lol My first novel hit 109k *after* edits. But it needed the scenes, like yours does:)
      (Readers like my longer version much more than the 70k word one, & I suppose I can see why even more now, as a reader of your work.)
      Your descriptions and the way you flesh everything out and make it all make sense without being redundant or talking down to readers ... it's all spot on!
      The pacing is perfect and doesn't make the stories seem like tomes.
      I hope they let you keep every polished word!!! x

  3. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! OMGOSH!!! How exciting this is! I cannot wait to read this. I am a huge fan of much love! I need to read this yesterday! CONGRATULATIONS!

    1. Thank you, Brooke! I'm a huge Phan, too! Haha. This was soooo much fun to write. And so darkly romantic... *swoon* Can't wait to share it w/everyone!

  4. *throws confetti* Yay! Congratulations!! I'm beyond excited for this (no surprise there ;) I'll have to start collecting pins to do a Twitter countdown when the release date gets closer...<3

    1. Thank you Mrs. M! YAAAASSSS. I love your twitter countdowns! In a few months we can tackle that. I'll open up my RoseBlood pinterest board later, which will give you lots of inspiration. :) *hugs*

  5. *stomps around tooting a tin horn* Fabulous!

  6. Phantom was the first real play I saw, back in middle school well over twenty years ago, so it will always hold a special place for me amongst stories. I'm really excited for your version - I love your twist on the traditional, love the darkness you add (not the right word exactly but it's what I'm feeling, & that's a good thing:)). Off to read more about RB!! Can't wait for the Pinterest board!

  7. Just saw Phantom of the Opera for tge first time recently and loved it! Super excited to read this!
