Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trailer Thursday

First, an announcement: I heard from my editor at Amulet yesterday, and Splintered's release date has been moved up by six months. YAY! This means, instead of coming out in Spring 2013, it will be published Fall of 2012. Which also means I'm about to receive my edits and will be VERY busy VERY soon.

Busy = good. Hee.

Okay, for my first official post for the blog hop, I'd like to share my newest book trailer. The Architect of Song (a gothic/literary romance set in Victorian England with a unique love triangle—sort of “Jane Eyre” meets “A Certain Slant of Light”, but with a deaf heroine).

This is the MS about to go out on sub under the masterful guidance of my agent. (Just for the record, I'm every bit as nervous as I was when Splintered made the rounds. Maybe even more, because this is the book of my heart. Eeps.)

If you know of a trailer that's dark, melancholy, creepy, or atmospheric, or if you have one you would like me to consider posting, please leave a link in the comment section.  (I prefer videos that don't exceed 3 minutes.)

Thanks for visiting today, and don't forget: I have a special QT guest for tomorrow's interview. She's a bit of a legend, having gone from the slush piles to a major deal in a matter of weeks. So be sure and stop by to hear her amazing story!


  1. GREAT NEWS! So happy for you - I'll gladly review for you, and get that word out!

  2. Hey that is fantastic news -- can't wait to see your book!

  3. ooo, that one looks really good. Love that trailer. Best of luck w/it~ :o) <3

  4. So happy for you! Hmmm..maybe I'll have cake in your honor - you know, just to be supportive. You go girl!

  5. Your trailer is so pretty! Will you please post a tutorial sometime on how to do this?? I have no idea and would really like to learn.

    Also, I think I know who your interview is with!! I hope so; if I'm right, she has a super story.

  6. Beautiful and haunting! I hope it all goes well. How cool is it that you might sell two books back to back?!

  7. That trailer gets better every time I see it!

    2012 can't come soon enough!!!

  8. Congrats on your book getting moved up; that's only, like, a year away!

  9. What an awesome trailer! Congrats on being so busy and going out on sub with the new novel--I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  10. Simply beautiful! <3

    You are a MASTER, Anita. I bow to you.

  11. Another great job. I need to make a trailer for The Feedstore Chronicles.

  12. I want to read that book. Now. :) Great job.

  13. Mindy~ I'm so going to take you up on that! And then return the favor. :)

    David~ Thank you! I'm going to have to get my writer ON once those edits arrive. Heh

    Leigh~ Thanks so much for checking it out. :) And I'll gratefully take that luck. NEED IT.

    Kathryn~ Aww, thanks! Hey, save a slice of that cake for me, please. Hee

    Melodie~ Thank you lady. I would LOVE to do a turotial. Hmm. Just have to find the TIME. ;) I'll sure let you know if I ever do.

    Liesl~ Aw, that's so nice! And yeah, it would be pretty sweet, considering I've written seven books. I'd love to have two of them finally see the light of day. LOL

    Rookstar~ Aww, thanks my luv!

    Sophia~ I appreciate it! And yah, SO close when I think of all the stuff that still needs to be done. Eeps!

    Meredith~ Thank you so much! I appreciate your good vibes, and will send some right back your way. :)

    Cherie~ Aww, you sparkle. :) Thank you.

    Travis~ I sent you an email with some info on where to get songs/images. Watch for it!

    RaeLynn~ Haha! Thank you! I hope you get to very soon. :)

  14. How exciting! I'm so happy for you that it's been moved up!

    Also, really love the book trailer. :)

  15. Girl-You are flat rockin' MS's out aren't you? How in the world are you able to tweet and blog and write a whole other MS?? I bow to your greatness oh Queen of Goats! ;)
    On a serious note, I really loved that trailer. Can't wait to read this. I'm a fool for piano music, so it really got my attention. It looks crazy good! :)
    I wish you could drip some of your goatly goodness and talent onto your faithful subjects...just sayin' :) LOL! Love you bunches!

  16. Caitlin~ Thank you so much, on both counts! :)

    Suzanne~ LOL. IF ONLY. No, this is a MS I wrote two years ago. I haven't actually written anything new in months. But that's going to have to change after I get my edits done, because I'm under contract for a second YA novel. Eeps! :) Oh, and I'll be glad to sprinkle you with sparkly goat dust. Hee. Love ya back!

  17. OK - someone needs to snap up this novel, because I want to read it NOW!!

  18. Jane~ Thank you lady! Here's hoping someone will...hope hope. :)

  19. Yay! Unlucky people hear their book has been bumped back. You're a lucky lady not to have to wait as long (and your adoring audience is thrilled as well).

  20. Thanks E.R.! You are a great cheerleader! I appreciate you stopping by. :)

  21. I already said it, but god, this is magnificent. I was willing to wait because I KNOW it's more than worth it, but this... oh, this!

    And fingers crossed on the new one. It sounds and looks just like my sort of thing too. But no big surprise there <3

  22. Thanks Katey--all around! And you are finally on my sidebar again. SWEET.

  23. Beautiful! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to see this trailer, but it's absolutely gorgeous! :)

  24. Lisa~ Awww, thanks so much! I loved making it. :)
