Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring *Bling-Bling* Winners!

Today's Posie & Mosey Monday has been preempted by my Spring *Bling-Bling* contest announcement.

Thanks everyone who entered last week!

Here are the winners, as chosen by Mr.

1. Mary Frame--Alice in Wonderland Post Card package & bookplate
2. Ricki Marking--Adult Literary Novel package & bookplate
3. Gabi--YA Fantasy package & bookplate

Congrats! Please email me at: anita(at)aghoward(dot)com and give me your snail mail addy and who you would like the SPLINTERED bookplate made out to so I can get those goodies sent your way! Those who didn't win this time, don't worry. I'll be having lots more giveaways in the future!

Also, a quick announcement: 

A while back, I entered a contest for a $500 virtual book tour from TLC. I found out yesterday that I'm one of the five finalists!

If any of you feel up for voting for me, here's the link (no rush, you have until April 14th). I would really appreciate the help! This package could get a great buzz going for Splintered.

Thanks for stopping in today, and have a great week!


  1. Congratulations to your winners, and to you for being a finalist. I thought I'd better vote now before I forget :-)

    Fingers crossed!

  2. Congrats to the winners! But most importantly, congrats to YOU for being a finalist!!

  3. Yay, winners. Yea, YAY WINNERS!!

    Splintered deserves a book tour--get over there and vote, people!!

  4. Congrats to the winners! Gabi, please let us know if you like those books! HEE :)

  5. Thanks for dropping by and for the kudos and props ladies! You all rock my SOX. :)
