Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Splintered on the hot seat...

**Contest Ended**

Hop over to the amazingly hot Writer Writer Pants on Fire blog to check out why I'm feeling like C.R.A.P. today. Heh.

Oh, and I'm giving away a swag pack! Here are the goods:

Splintered bookmark (front is left, back is right)

Signed bookplate

Splintered 1" button
All you need to do is leave a comment on Mindy's post and your name goes in the drawing! The giveaway ends this Sunday, May 27th, at 12 a.m. I'll announce the winner the following Monday.

Thanks to Mindy for having me over, and thank you for dropping by! Have a great rest of the week.


  1. I know to get swag, I need to comment on Mindy's post--which was great, by the way.

    But, what I really wanted to say was that your cover is simply amazing. I can't wait to have the book in my greedy little hands :)

  2. Yay! I was already there! Swooning over your lovely swag. *drools*


  3. Thanks Anita for coming over to CRAP on my blog :)

  4. Pat~ Thank you so much! I am in cover love, baby. :) I can't wait for you to get the book, too! LOL. Hope you love the story as much as I loved writing it.

    Cherie~ You little sparkle queen. Thank you for stopping by and sprinkling happy glitter on my blog. #goatwub you!

    Mindy~ You are a flippin' genius! You know that? Thanks for making all of these awesome acronyms so I can actually get by with saying naughty things on my blog. HEE

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, pal! If you ever need the deets on where I bought them, let me know. ;)

  6. LOVED this interview and your freebies are gaaahoorjus! (just like you :) )

    1. I need to learn nine new languages so I can tell you how much I love you in TEN different ways! Hee
