Saturday, June 23, 2012

Want to read Splintered before anyone else?

Well, at least before most anyone elses. (◕‿-)

The lovely and generous Krazy Book Lady is sponsoring a Splintered ARC blog hop over at her place. It's as easy as signing up. Just follow the link above for info and rules. One caveat: Bloggers must live in the US due to the high shipping costs and the long turn around time.

For a teaser, here's an excerpt of Splintered at the moment Alyssa discovers the magical looking glass, the answer to her future and her sanity:

“Want it with all your heart.” The command swims in my head, so quiet it’s an echo from my past. “Then step inside.”

Trembling, I step forward and let both of my hands sink into the liquid glass up to my elbows. On the other side, a cool breeze meets my arms. Someone strokes me, from my elbow down to the wrist . . . fingertips so soft and knowing, they light a firestorm inside my veins.

It’s a touch I already know, yet so different now. No longer innocent and calming.

When I look into the portal, my gloved hands appear in the landscape beyond, casting shadows on the grass next to the guy’s winged silhouette.

Before I can see him clearly, he’s gone.

I hesitate and think of Jeb. It’s almost as if I hear his voice calling out for me from somewhere far away. I wish he was here, right now, stepping in with me.

But I can’t look back. As deranged as it seems, that guy in the mirror is the answer to everything in my past. This is my one chance to find Wonderland, to cleanse the Liddell bloodline of this curse, and to save Alison. If I can do this, I can finally be normal.

Maybe normal enough to tell Jeb the way I really feel about things.
Taking a breath, I plunge.

Here's a black and white rendition of the winged silhouette who's luring Alyssa within, sketched by my very talented pal, Riley, from In the Jungle.

There's also a third player mentioned in the excerpt: Alyssa's best friend/secret crush, Jebediah Holt. If I were casting him for a movie, my first choice would be Ethan Peck.

If you'd like to learn more about my three main characters, sign up for the ARC tour!

Thanks for stopping by. Time for me to get back to my internet hiatus and work on my website. :) See you soon!


  1. Oooooh! That excerpt gave me goose bumps!! Can't wait! SQUEEEE! :o)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the SPLINTERED excerpt, Anita! I love it and can't wait to plunge further into your looking glass.

    1. And thank you for stopping by to read it! Glad you liked it. I can't wait to read yours, too. I love historical fiction!

  3. OH THE WRITING. *drools all over the place* I can't wait. SPLINTERED, get thee to shelves so I can gift it to everyone within a mile radius! ^_^

    1. Haha. Baby H, you rock. And talking about drooling, that's my reaction every time I see that picture of M that you drew. *swoons*

  4. Love the sketch, and the potential Jeb :)

    I'll check out the ARC post thanks.


  5. Wow. I LOVE the excerpt. Now I'm even more psyched that I won this. Can't wait to read it! And I love the drawing too.
    I also put the countdown widget on my blog by the way. :]

    ~ Stephanie @ Bookfever

  6. Whew, goosebumps. So excited for this book!

  7. Loved, loved, LOVED the excerpt! This book is going to rock the industry! We love it, and you, and just know that great and wonderful things are in store for you!

  8. You had me at, JEBEDIAH HOLT. *swooooooon*

    I cannot believe we're at the ARC stage--this is so exciting!

  9. Love the excerpt! Can't wait to read this!!!!

  10. This makes me even more excited for the book!! Love the excerpt, and may I just say that Jeb is looking pretty sexy :)

  11. So jealous of people who live in the US right now. So. Jealous.

  12. Donna~ Thank you! Yep, Jebediah is a HAWTY. *drools* May the gods smile upon you. :)

    Stephanie~ I'm so glad you won the ARC too, and can't wait to finally send it your way! I'm hoping in two more weeks or so. Can't believe it's taking so long! I want to hold one in my hot little hands.Thanks for putting up the widget!

    Vicki~ Thank you!

    Kimberly~ Thanks for stopping by Chica. :) And for all of the support!

    Rookie~ Heee. I love when he's all sweaty and greasy from working in the garage. *SIGH*

    Ashley~ Me, too! LOL. Good to see you, cutie.

    Amber~ Aw, thanks! Soon, me hopes.

    Lola~ Agreed about Jeb. DANG. Thanks for stopping by, and so glad you're excited to read!

    Sophia~ Hey there Goblin Sistah. I'm sorry. I WISH it could've been international. :( Make sure you come back at my website launch. I'm planning to put up an ARC for grabs then here and it will be an international giveaway:)

  13. Replies
    1. Awww, thanks POM. Figured you enjoy that little excerpt, since it's starring M. You little BBL you. ;)

  14. So wonderful!!! January cannot come soon enough. :)

    1. Thanks Mare! Honestly, it feels like it's flying from my end. Heh

  15. Oh my goodness, Anita, I cannot wait to read this!!! Beautiful writing!
    And on a lame domestic note, I was talking to a group of moms at my community pool about it last week, it's now on the list for our book club!

    1. Gah! I thought I left a reply to this. Thank you a thousand times over for talking up my book! #goatwub you girl. ;)

  16. Love, love, love the excerpt! And holy cow, you literally have the best Pinterest page I have ever seen. Following you now!

    1. Thanks Lisa! On both counts. ;) I'll follow you back.

  17. Just finished reading it! Such a fun ride.

    1. Yay! So glad you liked it! Were you on the blog hop? I don't know who all ended up on it. LOL
