Monday, October 1, 2012

Splintered Secrets Revealed = BIG PRIZES for you!

It's been too long since I've had a giveaway of MAD proportions, and I've decided the month of October, with all of its ghoulish glories, is the perfect time to have one. 
So welcome to my Unlock the Secrets to Splintered Giveaway! (And yes, it's International!)
Maybe some of you have seen the Splintered ARC and key necklace images floating around twitter and on book reviewer blogs?

Well, those tags on the necklaces direct recipients to visit this link, my publisher's official landing page for our Unlock the Secrets to Splintered campaign.

Here are the five steps to unlocking Splintered:

  • September: Unlock the Music...
  • October: Unlock the Madness Within...
  • November: Unlock Creativity...
  • December: Unlock Chrismakkuh...
  • January: Unlock Alyssa's Wonderland...

At the first of each month, a virtual key will be provided on the landing page, opening up one secret. September and October are already opened, so be sure to stop by and check out those mysteries.

Also, be sure to visit the landing page often and pay close attention, because there will be some big giveaways in the upcoming months, along with some frabjous interactive activities.

Here's just a sample of what's up for grabs in the not-so-distant future:

10 SIGNED Splintered advanced reading copies, an abundance of Splintered and Alice swaggery (including jewelry, posters, playing cards, assorted Alice books, and the list goes on...), 10 SIGNED Splintered hardbacks.

BUT, let's talk about what's up for grabs in *today's* giveaway.

1. First Place: 5-first place winners will receive a SIGNED Splintered ARC.

2. Second Place: 1-second place winner will receive: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: "Open Me for Curiouser and Curiouser Surprises" with illustrations by Harriet Castor.

This book is gorgeous! And here are just a few of the extra features that set it apart from the pack:

  • A pull-tab that makes Alice grow and grow
  • A pop-up courtroom scene
  • Doors on flaps that open to show an assortment of curious objects
  • A special tab that makes the Cheshire Cat magically disappear
  • An attached Mushroom Booklet that helps Alice return to normal size
3. Third Place: 1-third place winner gets to choose one of these pictures from my fan art page, printed with a matching excerpt from the book. (No worries, each of the pictures were given to me by the artists to use as I please--thank you lovelies!). Click on the pictures to enlarge.

By Riley Redgate

By Amy Hitt

4. Fourth Place: 3-fourth place winners will receieve assorted Splintered swag including: Signed bookmarks, funky and colorful Alice gift tags, and signed bookplates.

5. Fifth Place: 5-fifth place winners will receive a Splintered secret key necklace.
That's a grand total of FIFTEEN winners! I hope you'll be one!
The giveaway will last for the entire month of October, starting today until Halloween.

**HOW TO ENTER, you ask? Hop over to my Contests and Giveaways page. There's a rafflecopter that will lead you through the steps to get entered.**
Good luck, and have a fun October! 


  1. Very cool!! You're doing an amazing job of running contests that really spotlight the book!!

    1. Aw, thanks Jess! I'm having so much fun w/the contests!

  2. NDAKLSDJ;ASDA. Awesomesauce. I kinda wanna enter...but then I'd feel bad cause I already have a copy of Splintered and I'd be taken away someone else's chance of winning. ARGJL;ADASDA..

    Anyway, like I expected, Jeb is awesome. And so are you for hosting this awesome giveaway<3

    -The Stalker, Kaede.

    1. Yay! My stalker has returned. I was wondering where you've been. LOL.

      So glad you're enjoying the Jebediah experience. YUM

      And you're so nice to let these other peeps have a chance to win an ARC. ^.^

    2. Heehee. Rookie, you rock my Wonderland world.

  3. WAHOO! Looks like so much fun!!! Good luck to everyone :)

  4. Um.... HOOOOOOLY CRAP! Talk about a freaking AMAZING giveaway! Thank you! <3 All those copies of Splintered are making me seriously salivate *wipes drool from chin*

    1. LOL! Thanks Brodie! May the gods smile upon you!

  5. What a fantastic giveaway!! Thank you so much. Splintered looks wonderful. Will Mad Hatter make an appearance? He's my favorite!

    All the best to you and Splintered! :)

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, Hatter has a role in my book, though he may be a bit different than you remember. ;) Good luck in the giveaway!

  6. What a wonderful wonderful giveaway! And I'm so so thankful for you making it international!!

    I stumbled upon your book on Goodreads a few weeks ago, and I instantly marked as to-read! I love me some Alice In Wonderland and the premise of your book really intrigued me!

    Thank you again!

    1. You're so welcome! And I'm thrilled you're excited about the book! Wishing you much luck in the giveaway. :)

  7. Holy Moses! This giveaway ROCKS! So excited!! Gots to tell the friends and family about this! *hurries over to Facebook*

  8. Love this! Can't wait to enter !

  9. *sharpens elbows in preparation of getting rid of others who go after the freaky Alice book*

    I love this idea--Alice by the month. Just like the dessert of the month club. Except this club gets a taste of Jeb and Morph. That's better than any chocolate ganache.

  10. What a fantastic giveaway!!! All of the prizes are awesome!! This book is definitely one of my most highly anticipated upcoming books!!

  11. Wow. Great giveaway! Too bad I'll have to shove everyone else out of my way with a pitchfork - I'm usually quite friendly.

  12. I am so excited about your giveaway because I love everything about your book and all the swag and everything. But I'm leaving my order as-is on Amazon regardless because I WANT this hardback book on my shelves! i can't wait!

    1. Vivi, you just made my week. LOL! Thanks for ordering the book, and here's hoping you win some extra goodies!

  13. YAY!!! What a great giveaway, fingers crossed I win!!! I can't wait to read SLINTERED!!!!

  14. Omg omg OMG!!! I can't even believe I have a chance of winning!!! I'm freaking out over here!!! :) Thanks for such a great opportunity!!! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  15. AMAZING contest! This is freaking awesome :) I wish I had've known about this in September as well, the playlist is freaking awesome! :D Thanks for the opportunity of entering!

    I know I've already read on NetGalley, but there's nothing like having the real thing in your hands - still waiting to hear back if the book will be released in Australia! :D

    1. Thanks Hannah! So glad you like the music! And yeah, I'm waiting for the same thing w/Australia. LOL!

    2. Count me in on the waiting game with Australian release! So excited for Splintered!!

    3. Ha! Thank you, Gina! I hope it gets over there soon. :)

  16. Awesome contest! I am so excited to read Splintered...I am a huge fan of all things Alice In Wonderland, so I will be all over this book!

    1. Thanks Holly! It's always nice to meet a fellow Carrollian! Good luck. ^.^

  17. Thank you for the awesome giveaway and thank you for making it international. There is a question to like Splintered Amazon Kindle Page, i have liked it and shared in Facebook and gave the facebook link. I was confused, please tell me if I did something wrong

    1. I just checked and you did everything right. :) Your name is entered 6 times. Thanks for taking part in the giveaway! Hope you win something!

  18. I'd love to win :)) This book is really gorgeous!

  19. Fingers crossed!!!!!!! Team Jeb <33333


    1. Haha! Good luck, Jaime! Jeb is rooting for you (he threatened Mr. a punch to the gut if he doesn't let you win). Heh

  20. I love love love the books !!! I would love to see a movie will that happen ?
