Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Alyssa gets her cowgirl on...

Splintered and I are hitting the Texas Tour Circuit this Friday!
My heroine Alyssa and her skater-boy Jeb are actually already accustomed to Texas things. They're from a fictional Texas town named after Alice Liddell (whose middle name happened to be Pleasance). But rodeos and bowls of piping hot chili are all foreign concepts to the winged and wild Morpheus. Maybe Alyssa will lend him her hat to make him feel at home. It's not exactly her style anyway. ;)
I'm posting my event schedule below in hopes any of you living in or visiting the Lone Star State can come by and say "Howdy". I'd love to meet you and chat about reading and writing!

Houston Events:

Friday, April 19

Event @ Murder by the Book
TeenBookCon Welcome Reception @ Blue Willow Bookshop

Saturday, April 20

9:00am– 3:45pm
Blue Willow Bookshop’s TeenBookCon

San Antonio Events:

Sunday, April 21

International Reading Association Annual Convention
Event @ Barnes & Noble
15900 La Cantera Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78256

Austin Events:

Monday, April 22

Event @ BookPeople

Tuesday, April 23

Event @ Book Spot

Dallas / Frisco Area Events:

Wednesday, April 24

7:00 pm                                            
Event @ B&N
Stonebriar Center Mall
2601 Preston Road, Frisco, TX 75034 

Fort Worth Events:

Thursday, April 25

Texas Library Association Annual Conference


Friday, April 26

Texas Library Association Annual Conference


Saturday, April 27

Back home to good ol' Amarillo!
**Side note** I will be doing in-stock signings of SPLINTERED at several of the B&Ns in the cities I'll be visiting. So if you don't get to make the signings but would like a signed copy, call around and I'm sure you'll find a B&N that has them.
Hope to see some of you very soon!


  1. *pouts*
    *wishing I lived in TX*


    Have fun, darling!

  2. Replies
    1. *tips my cowgirl hat* Why thank ya, young missy. ;P

  3. GAHHHH I wish so, so hard that I could be there to meet you! But alas, I'm too far away so I'll have to settle for Nikki getting me a signed copy (with a moth drawing! ;D)

    I shall meet you someday, Anita!


    1. Aw, I wish you could, too, Jessi! I'll be sure to make a fabulous moth *coughs* stick figure *coughs* on your book. YES, one day, we will meet! Morpheus told me to say that. Maybe he was referring to himself and you??? HEH

  4. Sounds wonderful! This is quite a tour.... Sad I can't be there to hang out! :)

    1. I would love to hang out w/you, Lisa. One of these days, we're going to make it happen. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Love the hat. Wish I lived in TX :( One day I hope you will come up to the North East and visit me! Have fun!

    1. Haha! Thanks! I'm actually pretty jealous of the hat. ;) Maybe some day I can do a wider spread tour. *fingers crossed*

  6. Come to GA!!!! Decatur BookFestival, perhaps?

    Karis @ YA Litwit

    1. Aw, I would love to one day! Maybe one day I'll earn a national tour. LOL

  7. I,m halfway through Splintered and I can,t put it down!
    Although I,m 64 and not a YA, I love it.
    I was brought up on Alice in wonderland and Grimm,s Fairy tales.
    So congratulations on the book and hopefully there will be many more.
    Cheers Barbara.
    PS...too bad I live in Canada...nowhere near Texas!

    1. Wow, Barbara! I'm so thrilled to hear that! And it's amazing to know the book appeals to all different ages. Also, so great to meet a fellow Grimms/Carroll/Fairy tale fan!

      I hope you love the book all the way to the end. ;) Maybe one day I can make it over to Canada. *fingers crossed*

  8. I was in Austin in December and I wish it were NOW so I could see you in person! Hope you enjoyed your Texas tour!

    1. Wah! I hate that I missed meeting my pony girl. One of these days we'll meet, hopefully at a goatly event of some sort. Hee.

      I did have fun on the tour, thank you! *hugs you*

  9. Wish I lived in the US PERIOD because no one ever seems to tour in Canada. Love your book by the way :)

    1. Hi Miecah! You have such a great name! And who knows? Maybe one day I can be the first author ever to tour in CAnada. ;) So glad you enjoyed the book!
