Monday, May 6, 2013

Unhinged Trailer Reveal and INTL Giveaway TODAY!

YAY! It's here!!!

Well, actually, it's there ... on my pal Bethany Crandell's blog.

Hop over for a look at the official trailer, synopsis, and the AWESOME prizes, including a **super seekrit grand prize** that I didn't tell you about earlier because I'm sneaky like that. Heh.

Hope to see you over at Bethany's!


  1. yay! thanks for stopping by, pallie!

    1. My pleasure. Your place is so bright and happy, plus it has the betrothed. How could I resist dropping by? *hugs you* Thanks being such a fantastic hostess.

  2. <3!!!!! Can't wait love the trailer and super duper AWESOME contest!!!! Thanks to you for helping with the swag (signed swag) ad for writing the awesome book series tha is not only my brain in words but is epic and makes my life just htinking about it.

  3. Awesome! I love the music in the book trailer; it's creepy but sweet--very fitting, I think. :)
