Sunday, September 1, 2013

Unhinged ARCs and a face lift...

First of all, as I'm sure you've already noticed, my blog has a new face. Or *faces* if you want to get technical. ;) I've spent the past couple of days updating my website's theme and motif, so I had to adjust my blog . It's the fashion diva side of me, everything has to match.

The best part is, Splintered and Unhinged now have their own themed pages with information pertaining to each individual book, including playlists, book club questions, and special giveaways. This should make my website easier to navigate.

I hope everyone likes my new duds!

And now for the ARC announcement: They're here! (Click on the pictures to see bigger versions)

They arrived on my doorstep on Friday, and boy was I happy to see them! They have all been soundly kissed and are awaiting new homes, so I'll be having a giveaway for a few coming up SOON! Oh, and I also received a handful of Team Jeb and Team Morpheus buttons--displayed against the back of the cover there--so I'll be sure to throw some of those into the mix.

Yay! I love having giveaways. :) Keep checking back here for deets.

Until then, I need to make up for all the writing I missed so I'll be quiet for a few days. See you soon, and happy Labor Day!


  1. Ahh!! So excited for this book to release! And your theme is lovely and twisted and absolutely amazing! Well done!
    Happy Labor Day to you, too!

    1. Thank you Ashtyn! It wasn't easy coming up with the theme. Took me two tries and 12 hours to get it right. HEH. @.@ I'm so glad you like it. :)

  2. Ooooh, I like the pretty new look on the blog! I also changed the look on mine a lil back, it all started with me wanting to add the reply button to my comments and it all went downhill from there!

    And YAY FOR GIVEAWAY for Unhinged ARCs!!! Will surely be stalking your blog like mad! ;)

    1. Yay! So happy you like it! Haha. I know, right? There's always a ripple effect. *sigh* I sure don't want to have to change it again for a while. LOL

  3. Btw, I need to get one one of those super spiffy countdowns for Unhinged!!

    1. OH! I'll try to make it so viewers can access the HTML box to put the code on their blogs.

    2. YAY! Thanks a lot! I can't wait till I can add to my blog!

    3. Wah! I've been trying to figure out how to do a grab box for that particular counter and I can't do it! I'm going to see if my techno savvy husband can figure it out later. If I had some way to contact you, I'd send you the HTML code.

  4. You know which side I'm on! Also I love the new theme on your blog! It's awesome!

  5. Creepy doll faces, liking it alot :) Need a Team Chessie tag too <3 A.A.

    1. LOL. Thanks Danielle! Yeah, I figured, creepy + pretty? Doll faces! :) Great idea about a chessie button. :)

  6. Love the new theme, but don't like waiting for the giveaway! Pouting till the ARCs are up for giveaway. :-( JK, kind of.

    1. Haha! Well, you won't have to pout too long, I promise. :)

  7. Omg!!! They're gorgeous!!! *grabby hands*

    Love the makeover too!!! :)

  8. Pretty new theme! And pretty, pretty new ARCS. <3

  9. Okay... I think I finally have the hang if this!!!! LOVE the masthead (is that what it is called?)!!!! :)

    1. Yay! So glad you like it! Yeah, it's either a masthead or a banner. Either one works. :)

  10. Ahhhhhh... it is the ever present Cyber Curse!!!! It is supposed to say La La's Library, what is all that other randomness in there!!!! Boo hiss...

    1. LOL. That is weird. It looks like the HTML converted your apostrophe to something else. Not sure how to fix that?

  11. I love the new layout! It's creepy and pretty at the same time, great :D

    1. sweet! That's exactly what I was going for! Thank you lovely. :)

  12. I LOVE IT ALL!!! TOTALLy AWESOME! I love flipping from one page to the next! I can't wait for Ensnared to have it's own page, too!!!!

    1. Awww, thanks pretty lady! Me, too. Which means I'd better get to writing. LOL

  13. I had seen the cover on Amazon a week ago and loved it but the back looks great too. I read a new book almost every day. Reading is my passion but I was obssessed with Splinter and cant wait to read Unhinged. I look forward to the Giveaway cause maybe I can read it sooner so thanks for giving fans that chance soon.

    1. Wow, you're my favorite kind of reader. :) I'm so glad you enjoyed Splintered! And I'm happy to share the ARCs with the lucky winner(s). I'll keep everyone posted on details. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Oh the ARCs look amazing! And congrats on the new site design!

  15. Beautiful!! And the new face is amazing *-*

    1. Haha. Thank you! It's so nice finding other people who can appreciate the lovely side of creepy with me. :)

  16. With Alyssa on Splintered and Morpheus on Unhinged, does that mean that Jeb will be on the third book's cover?

    1. I'm going to do everything I can to see that happen, Ruthsic. Jeb is going to earn it in this last book. :)

  17. I just want to stare at them. They're gorgeous!

    1. Hehe. Thanks Jillyn. That's pretty much what I've been doing all weekend. ;)

  18. Looks gorgeous, and I am already wearing my TEAM JEB button with pride!

    1. LOL. Thanks pallie. And I KNOW you are. Jeb told me to tell you, "thanks babe." Heh

  19. I changed the name and got rid of the apostrophe, let's see if it worked. :)

    1. Haha! You're so welcome! It was just a lucky guess, really. But I'll take the compliment because I rarely get that about techno stuff. I'm pretty inept actually and often have to defer to my hubbie for his mad computer skillz. :)

  20. Egads! I am so happy for you, congratulations! I don't know if I'm more excited for Unhinged, or my inevitable and much welcomed re-reading of Splintered! I also love the new website/blog look, gorgeous.

    1. Thank you so much! And yay! I'm excited you'll be rereading Splintered. :) January will be here before we know it. And who knows, you might get lucky and win an ARC so you can read it sooner. :) *fingers crossed*

    2. Just checked them out, and I love the new pages!

    3. Woot! Thanks for the finger crossing! I have literally been having to stop myself from re-reading too soon. My traitorous hands keep grabbing for it!

    4. Haha. You let your fingers alone. They're only trying to lead you down the path of temptation because they want what's best for you. LOL

  21. I'm so excited for Unhinged! I want one to pet, lol. And I absolutely love your new blog design! I just redesigned mine as well. I made it a bit darker to go along with the Donnie Darko theme I have going on. :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer! And I LOVE your Donnie Darko banner. That movie was so weirdly spectacular. I loved it. Did you ever see the second one? It wasn't quite as good, but it was pretty cool. :)

  22. I haven't been here for a long time, and KAPOW! Everything is just loveliness! Swoon on the Unhinged ARCs!! So proud of you, my beautiful friend!

    *can't wait to read more about mothboy*
    *grabby hands*

    1. Awww, thank you sparkle pants! I'm still dying to see the Splintered ARC. It needs to find its way home! ;) I'll be posting the Unhinged ARCs on the goat cave soon so we can have another hop. :)

  23. Woohoooo! Love the facelift! This is so you, my friend!!! :)

    1. Thank you pretty lady! <3 I think I'll keep it this way for a bit. :)

  24. Beautiful new banner! And a wickedly cool cover for Unhinged.

  25. We over at the With Her Nose Stuck in a Book blog can't wait for your next novel!!! We've been counting down ever since the day that "Splintered" came out!!! Can't wait to read and review!!!
