Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hebrew version of Splintered!

Since this is the first foreign version of Splintered that has strayed from the original cover art, I wanted to post it here.
Though my heart belongs to the original version, I think they did a great job picking the model. The girl's a good match for the one on the American cover. Also, the artist incorporated a lot of the same elements and threw in a few mushrooms for the AiW tie in. Oh, and there are sparkles and a clock! 
All in all, I think it's pretty and does a good job of incorporating some Wonderland elements. Most importantly, I'm so excited that kids in Israel will now have the chance to read the book.
I hope they enjoy the mad twisted story as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)
What are some of your favorite foreign book covers?


  1. Oooooh, such a pretty cover! And despite not being the original that I adore, it also looks and feels magical enough!

    1. Thanks Pili! I love it, too. :) Those sparkles are so cool.

  2. OMGOSH I LOVE THIS!!! I want a copy. It's so amazing. ACK!!!!!

  3. This is SO cool!! I really love the Hebrew version!

    1. I appreciate it! It's so fun to see the title in Hebrew. I can't wait to see the inside! :)
