Friday, May 9, 2014

Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who helped get the word out about the wrong Ensnared cover!

Here are the three winners (one swag pack each):

1. Michelle Sedeno
2. Emily Ruth
3. Chara Sullivan

If you will email me at anita(at)aghoward(dot)com with your snail mail address, I'll get those sent your way. Be sure and let me know who's name to personalize the bookplates to!

Those of you who didn't win, there's a huge giveaway on the horizon for the OFFICIAL Ensnared cover, and it will be coming sometime later this month! So keep checking here!

BUT, before that, I'll be helping a friend, Eric Devine, reveal his new book cover next week (May 14th) and there will be tons of prizes. Among them, I'll be giving away an Unhinged 18x24" poster, along with some Splintered Series swag:

So check back here on May 14th for deets on Eric's new cover and his FAB giveaway!

Happy weekend, and see you soon!


  1. I never win :(, so bad luck. Maybe im going to win all the books someday? ;3 Congrats to the luckiest winners :):)

    1. I'm sorry Alina! But keep trying. You never know when your luck will change. :)

    2. I used to NEVER win anything, but I have been pretty lucky lately, so don't give up hope. :)

    3. Im going to keep trying. <3 thanks. :)

  2. Congatulations to the winners and Mothy is looking pretty in pink!!

    1. Haha. I don't know why that picture looks so pink. It has to be because I took it w/my cell phone. @.@ It doesn't look that pink in real life. It's actually very true to the book cover colors. ;)

  3. That poster. I have a strong need. Right above my bed. omg.

  4. So when is ensnared supposed to debut, I looked and cannot find it. Please I'm dying for it and at least need a date to put on my calendar.

    1. Ensnared comes out Jan 6, 2015. Here's more info: Can't wait to share it w/you! :)

  5. Replies
    1. You're welcome! Thanks for getting the word out. ;)

    2. I'm always here for Morpheus. ;)
      Hope you got my email!
