Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ensnared Virtual Tour Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the 
Ensnared virtual book tour!

Without further adieu, here are the winners of the giveaways...

Winners of the INTL prizes:

Gothic Faerie Print & Splintered tote ~ Vanessa Vazquez 

The Art of Winter coffee table book, and “Chessie tail” rearview mirror charm ~ Teracia Loretan

Harlequin / Ragdoll Zippered Bag ~ Tammy Hall

Signed Splintered Series ARC Set ~ Teresa Ptasiuk Salvatore


Winners of the 10 hardbacks (Domestic only):

Lindsay Ann

Morgan Keith

Viki Sloboda

Alicia Medina

Tari Morris

Lauren Monahan

Julia Rain Wellman

Angel Wilde

Mithila Ahmed

Harlee Shelton


I will be contacting the winners via email. Those who didn't win, take heart! I have a couple of exciting announcements to make very soon, and I'll do another giveaway to celebrate. 

So stay tuned!

Also, in only two more weeks, Ensnared hits the shelves! Can't wait to share the final chapter of the Splintered Series with everyone, although it's a little bittersweet closing my first series. *sighs*

Happy Holidays to everyone. Be safe, have fun, and see you in 2015!


  1. Congratulations to everyone!!
    I'm really excited about Ensnared, but I'll have to wait till it comes to Spain.
    I'm gonna die hehe

    1. Haha. No, don't die. You can't read it unless you LIVE. ;P

  2. Congrats all! Wish it was January 6th for Ensnared to be released already but I have to wait impatiently.

  3. Congratulations winners and thanks for having such a fabulous giveaway!

  4. Congratulations to everyone. I'll try harder next time! LOL

  5. OMG! OMG! OMG! That's me!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!! My Christmas just became leagues better! <3 <3 <3 & many hugs! I did a happy dance when I read this and my seat mate on the bus thought I was a Mad Hatter! ;)
    Teresa Salvatore

    1. Congrats Teresa! I sent you an email for your snail address but haven't heard back from you. I'll resend it. :)

    2. Thank you! I received your email this morning & replied. I'm so excited! Thanks so very much for hosting this fan-tab-u-Lou's giveaway!

  6. I JUST received my copy and I'm so excited to read it! Thank you, thank thank youuu
    (Im like trying not to hyperventilate right now but it's pretty hard knowing I just got the ending to my favourite series)

    1. You mean you already got your hardback? Wow. I haven’t even received my author copies yet. Lucky!

      I hope you enjoy the read!

      Congrats again!


  7. I got Splintered as a birthday gift when I was 9 and was hooked. (I have a W
    VERY high reading level.) Then, I purchased Unhinged myself. Now I am ten and need Ensnared. I love this series and even emailed the author a couple months ago!

    1. Wow, you must really have a high reading level! So happy you're enjoying the series, and thanks for buying the books!

  8. I read the first and the second book and I just LOVED them! Now I'm waiting impatiently for Ensnared to be released here in Brazil. I hope it'll be here soon!!!
