Friday, March 18, 2011

Playing with Window's Movie Maker...

I'm loving this tool. Here's my first ever book trailer. Squee!

And kudos to Kevin Macleod for providing FREE royalty-free song clips for any artist at his website: All he asks is that you reference him or his website in the credits.
What a super nice guy! 

Also, photobucket has TONS of royalty-free pics so the only thing I spent today was time. And when you're having fun, you know how that flies! 

Go on and give it a try yourself, it's easier than it looks!


  1. Very, very cool. I want one! :) (I think I'll finish editing the book first, though.)

  2. Thanks Robin and Mary! It was so easy with all of the animations and special effects provided. And so much fun!

  3. Thanks, Jenny! And you rock for tweeting my blog!

  4. Hee! Awesome! That totally whets my appetite! Now if only I could get my hands on that book....

    Otherwise, ya know, that author is such a book-tease. Just saying yo.

  5. LOL. Okay, I'm a tease. I'll admit it. But it's not by choice ... gah!

    Seriously, been hearing some good rumblings from the subs, so here's hoping we'll get this book bought soon! Then you'll only have to wait another nine months to a year for it. HA!

  6. Wow, this sounds awesome! Great book trailer. *crossing fingers for you*

  7. Hey, thanks Kathy! Thanks for the finger crossing...I covet all the good vibes I can get. :-)

  8. What an interesting program, and your book sounds awesome! Excellent job! :)

  9. Did I mention how much your sweet comments on my blog meant to me?? Thank you so much for being such an inspiration!

  10. Thanks Lisa! And I was happy to drop by your blog. You have an AMAZING job. I can't wait to hear more about your book, too!

  11. That gave me the chills!! It is RAD! (Yes, I said rad. I like in San Diego--along with mandatory $4 a gallon gas, we have to use the words: rad, bra and dude)

  12. Haahaa! I love your lingo. It makes me smile. And woohoo, I've always wanted to do something RAD. Thanks so much Bethany! :-)

    Eeps on the gas prices. Wow.

  13. Amazing--most eerie and atmospheric! I love it. Perhaps you were also in the sway of Supermoon?? Ha!

  14. Very nice job. You found some prefect and haunting images. Atmospheric indeed. :)

    A couple of my CPs make book trailers, one of them makes hers before she writes the book! She says it helps her to stay on track and in the 'mood' while she's writing. She does it in the same manner that some make collages. (intriguing, yes?)
    I have no tech skills...okay, also no create my own book trailer. But I love that so many of you do. I love watching them.
    Thank you for sharing the guy's link to his free music, I'm going to pass that long to my trailer making CPs and friends. :)

    Good luck on sub! Best wishes for a huge 3 book deal.
    Oh, and this is my first time here. *waves hello* Nice to 'meet' you.

  15. LOVE this! I have seen homemade trailers before where people use the royalty free pics and to be honest, I can tell. They don't mesh well with the story being told with the written words and just seems amateurish. BUT yours? EXCELLENT job choosing the right pictures to go with your story--it felt authentic and real and organic. I majored in Broadcast Journalism so my biggest pet peeve is B-roll that doesn't match words, but you my friend get an A+++. And it makes me want to read your story even more, which is hard to do since I was already chomping at the bit to do so :-)

  16. Welcome, Lola! Thanks so much for your wonderful compliments, and for the well wishes on the book! I'm so glad you can use the info. Your CPs will be blown away by how much music this guy has on his website. ;-)

    Thanks for following me! Now, I'm going to look you up and return the favor. :)

  17. Wow! Rachel, what wonderful praise! And I'm humbled to get it from such a worthy and experienced eye. You made my day! :)

    I can't wait for you to read it, either! LOL

  18. OMG, that's amazing!!! And you did that in one day? I'm so impressed. My skills are so limited. but you did that with Moviemaker?? I'll have to check out photobucket. You did such a fabulous job.

    Good luck with your subs!! I hope to go on sub soon. Eeeeep!!

  19. Hey, thanks Carolina! Yep, photobucket and movie maker. The winning team. :-) But I'll admit, all of the photos were reworked in some way on my graphics program to make them fit into the theme I needed. So, if I'm honest, that part took me longer than a day. I just happened to have worked on that a few weeks ago, and then when I sat down to put it all together, it just took a day. ;)

    BTW, I just popped over to your blog a minute ago to congratulate you on your fabulous news! I hope you hear something back VERY fast!

  20. Looks great. i didn't even know you had a blog until I spotted Jenny Bents mention on twitter.

  21. Hi Travis! LOL. No problem. I've been following yours for a while, but I been very quiet and sneaky about it. Ha.

    Thanks for stopping by and looking! And for following me. You're awesome.

  22. Good grief, that was AWESOME!I cannot WAIT to read this book!

  23. Hi Anna! Thanks! I can't wait to read yours! ;-)

  24. Wow, Anita--that's awesome! I'm seriously hiring you to do mine! And your book sounds incredible. !!!

  25. Thanks Kristine! On all three counts... LOL!

  26. Anita - I love it!! God I want to read your book! So talented!! Keep me posted on your awesome journey! Truly happy for you! Thanks again for the positive words! Such a great motivater.
    oh ps. Get Twitter!

  27. Yay, thanks Jessica! I WANT you to read my book! Still waiting on the publishers to decide if they want to buy it... but we're getting some really good feedback, so hopefully I'll have some news soon!

    And I'm so glad I could motivate you. ;-) You guys all sure keep me motivated, too.

    LOL on the twitter! You're the third person to remind me of that today! Haahaa. Okay, by the end of this month. And then I'll follow you!

  28. LOVE the book trailer! In fact, it inspired me to do my own today. And I agree....*SQUEEEEEE* It was sooo much fun!! :)

  29. Hey RaeLynn. Yay! I'm so glad you tried it and loved it! It is fun, right? Actually addictive. I'm already planning a second trailer. Heh.

    I hopped over and looked at yours and it's gorgeous! Thanks for dropping by. :)

  30. You're really good at making your own movies. So cool and so clever!
