Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why I left my first agent (or did she leave me?)...

If you'd like to know the answer to that teaser, I'm dishing the dirt (more like picking off lint balls) in a guest post over at Mindy McGinnis's blog, Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire.

Also, I'd like to announce two FABULOUS contests in the works. And no, neither of them are mine, but I hope to have one going soon...

Hmm, another teaser. Heh.

Contest one:

My crit pal, the lovely Jennifer Archer, wants to give you a brand new FREE Kindle, iPod Shuffle, leather bound journal, or an autographed copy of her ghostly YA novel...

Simply click the beautiful and mysterious book cover for details. ;-)

Contest two:

One of my new blogger acquaintances, Carolina Valdez Miller, has just signed with agent Vickie Motter. Her crit partners are generously sponsoring a contest with gifts ranging from: a $25 Amazon Gift Card, a 1st page critique from the afore mentioned agent, a Kindle and signed hardbacks of recent and popular books.

Click the champagne bottle for details.

Good luck to all who choose to participate!

And don't forget to drop by Mindy's blog for my guest post!


  1. Ahhh, so I didn't expect to find this here today! Thanks so much! <>

    I'll be sure to check out your crit pal's contest too! Those are some fabulous prizes!

    Off, first, to check out your other post!

  2. You're welcome, Carolina! It's a great contest so I wanted to advertise it!

    Oh, and my guest post is tomorrow. I might need to make that more clear on my today's post. Heh.

    Have fun w/your contest!

  3. Ha! I just realized that when I went to the other blog. I'll come back. Also, THROUGH HER EYES sounds AMAZING. A book I'd love love love to read. So glad you led me to it!

  4. Yay! I'm going to tell Jenny you said that! She'll be so psyched! (BTW, it really is an amazing book, and I'm not just saying that because I watched it be born...LOL).

  5. Good & exciting news all around! Well done, ladies!

  6. Thanks Bethany! And glad you dropped by again. ^.^

  7. Nice teaser, Anita! You had me at hello! ;)

  8. LOL, Lisa! I just realized Mindy's already posted it! So you don't have to wait until tomorrow to read it. She's a speedy one!

  9. are you the fabtastic RAVEN1 from querytracker?! =]

    i'm lindsaycwrites! you've been so nice!

  10. LOL. I don't know that I'm really all that fantastic, but how awesome of you to say so! Thank you!!

    And yes, it's me. ;-) Welcome Lindsay! So nice to finally "meet" you! I'm on my way to your blog right now...

  11. Oh, wait! That's fabtastic? Even better! ROFL

    You rock!

  12. Interesting! Will definitely have a peek :)
