Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book Deal! Overwhelmed, Ever-grateful, Blessed, and...

I feel like Charlotte's been spinning lovely webs around my Splintered manuscript to make it more attractive to those who can give it a home, and I'm as grateful as that little pig who grew up big yet never became bacon on someone's breakfast plate.

After seven years of querying and writing books (follow this link for a detailed look at my timeline), I finally got my YES! Last week, Agent Goddess and I were in the midst of a best bids auction, in which the interested publishers threw their "highest we can go" offers into the hat. I ended up having a few phone calls so I could get a feel for personalities and editing ideas. Now the decision has been made and I finally get to share it. :)

Splintered has a FANTASTIC place to call home: Abram's Amulet imprint. SQUEEEE!! I'm following in some very big footsteps: Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Shine, just to name a couple. The publisher offered a two-book deal, so I get to hang my hat there for awhile, and I couldn't be more thrilled!

For the record, it took revising my MS one final time before I tasted success. It made all the difference, because that's when things started rolling. 

I'm grateful to my wonderful agent Jenny and my new editor Maggie (who is a DELIGHT!), for loving my story and believing in it. And I'm blessed to have had each and every one of you rooting for me along the way. Lastly, I'm overwhelmed and humbled by this feeling of complete and utter happiness.

What I want more than anything now, is for all of you to experience this, too. So DON'T give up. No matter what.

I'm ashamed to say I almost did a few times. Several of you know this because you were my lifelines. (HUGE THANKS and cyber hugs for that, I would never have buoyed without you).

But then the sun slipped out from the clouds and illuminated that sparkling silver web ... you know, the one that said "she might not look like much yet, but give her a chance. She could grow up to be some pig ... er, writer ... one day."  

So THANK YOU for that chance, Amulet. I'll do my very best to earn it.

Splintered is due out in hardback, Spring of 2013. The PublishersMarketplace announcement will be posted next month. I'll display it here once it's up. (I've always dreamt of getting to do that.) *happy sigh* I'm planning a series of detailed posts about being on the submission trail along with stats and will start them up when the book comes out, to help promote its debut.

There are a few more things I'd like to share pertaining to some foreign interest, but I'm keeping them on the DL just a bit longer.  Gotta give you some kind of reason to keep visiting me here. ;)

By the way, you guys are the best support group on the WORLD WIDE NET. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Special thanks to my beta readers and crit gals, #goatposse, fellow bloggers, tweeps, and a hearty shout out to the QTers out there. That's where I got my start, too. I'm sorry I haven't been in the threads for a while, but things got crazy for a bit. Still, my heart smiles each time I think of you, and I have the highest expectations for you all! I know I'll be seeing spectacular news from you VERY soon. <3

Oh, and one last thing...


  1. Congratulations! How wonderful it must be to type those words. Looking forward to hearing more over the coming months!

  2. Your story warms my heart, Anita. I am so, so, so happy for you!!! Seriously, I've got a big ole' lump in my throat that just won't go away no matter how hard I swallow, lol ;o)

    Your ms went to auction?!?!? EEEEK! That's like every writer's DREAM! You must be on cloud nine . . .

    Again, I am SO thrilled for you!! Your story is so inspirational (7 years & 7 novels!). I can't wait to read future blog posts! My most sincere congrats, my dear friend :o)

  3. I'll say it with you. SQUEEEEEEE!

    The is the best news! I'm so, so thrilled that you've found a home for Splintered. Congrats to you and agent Jenny and editor Maggie.

    A TWO! BOOK! DEAL! Wow. This is so fantastic for you. Living the dream, Ms. Anita.

  4. WHEEE!!!!!

    Oh, man. That is such fantastic news. I'm just so so SO super-excited for you! And I mean, with all that initial interest, how could it NOT do well? That's just awesome.

    *sniff* no words. :o) ((BIG hug))

  5. Super ::SQUEE:: Congrats, ANITA!! This so exciting!!

  6. Congrats on your two book deal! That's so awesome! You are 100% right about never giving up. It's just not an option ;)

    Also, I’m a new follower— wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :) http://rachelbrookswrites.blogspot.com/

  7. HOORAY!!! That's awesome :D I'm so, so proud of you! You deserve all good things in life, and I know this is just the beginning for you. I can't wait to see your books in print! <3

  8. When I grow up, I want to be like Anita Howard.

    You rock, doll! I am SUPER HAPPY and SUPER EXCITED for you, but mostly for me because now I only have to wait almost 2 years to get my hands on SPLINTERED. ;D hehehe...

    Srsly, you are my inspiration. CONGRATS!!

    HUGS HUGS HUGS!! <3 <3 <3

    Love ya much. You so deserve this. Bask in the happy glow of your well-earned tiara, lovely queen!


  9. That's absolutely fabulous, Anita! I'm so happy for you :) Can't wait to hear about all the new and exciting things you're about to experience!

  10. Just beyond happy for you! An inspiration!! xoxo

  11. WOOT WOOT WOOT!! I SOOO knew it :-) But what??? I have to wait two years to read it??? LOL You are killing me!

    Seriously, I am so happy for you. I feel almost as giddy as if I got the news. I wanted this so much for you and honestly I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. Love ya girl and sooo stoked!


  12. Congratulations!!! So happy for you! :)

  13. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read Splintered.

  14. OH MY GOODNESS!!! The suspense has been killing me... It's 8:30am, and this is the literally the first thing I did when I turned on my computer... Oh my gosh, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! No one deserves happiness or success more than you do, and I can't wait to spread the word about you and your amazing book!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

  15. This is the best news I have heard in a while. I am so amazingly happy for you!! Gosh, won't that day be great when you finally get to hold YOUR book in your hands. Congrats again!!

  16. AHHHHH! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! OMG I am SO HAPPY for you and SO PROUD of you! I know you deserve it! Rock on, Goat Goddess!

    But . . . are you really gonna make me wait until 2013 to read it?

  17. Michelle, maybe if we put a little more goatpresure, she'll let us have ARCs?? Maybe??


  18. Ahhhhhhhhh! I am dancing around my house, so excited for you. I will be standing in line on the day it shows up at my bookstore. Woo Hoo let's party you deserve this and can't wait to watch your success unfold.


    Me cheeks are swelling from all this smiling. Proud, proud, proud of you!

  20. Your exuberance made my eyes water. I'm so happy and excited for you. Seven years is a long time and we are all so glad you never gave up. Can't wait to buy your book in Spring 2013. I'm sure you've already enjoyed your champagne. Take care of business and yourself. We'll be right here when things settle down. :)

  21. So very exciting and your SQUEEEE made me hopeful - it really does happen! Sending a big writer's hug your way. Congratulations!

  22. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!! And you did it big! TWO books, and an auction?! I'm so very proud, and inspired. This post gave me real live tears of joy!

    YOU are made of so much awesome, it's not even funny. Now go pop some champagne!!!!!!!!

    Many, many congrats twin! (And lots of cyber hugs) xoxoxoxo

  23. I'm so happy for you! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. You'll be in my prayers as you continue on this exciting journey.

    I've learned so much from you. Thanks AND Congratulations!

  24. I'm so happy for you, Anita, congratulations! I mean, we all knew it was only a matter of time, because come on, how could people resist a girl with pet eels, but dang, seriously excited for you! Bring on 2013.

  25. Congrats Anita! That's so awesome. Best of luck to you and Splintered!

  26. OMGosh many congrats Anita! I am SO happy for you! I can't imagine the elation you must feel and I think its validation of all your tenacity & persistence. Congrats!

  27. Girl, I will be first in line. The world needs more of you in it -- they need to know what they've got :D

    Saying "congratulations" isn't even enough. *squeeze*


  28. Big congrats Anita!!!! I've been following your story from QT for a while, and you deserve all the success in the world!

  29. Gleep!! Can't wait. Congratulations!! And thanks for adding that you wrote and queried for 7 years before this moment, and how you felt like quiting but hung in there. I'll take a tiny piece of your success and add it to my "save for later in case I get too bummed to continue writing" pot. +D

  30. Congratulations! What amazing news!

  31. YAAAAYYYYY!!!! Congratulations!! Wow, a two-book deal is amazing. I'm SOOO happy for you. Words cannot express my SQEEEEE-ness :D :D.

    I've been dying to read your book since you posted your trailer. I'm so happy I will have that chance! Wow, now you get to see the publishing side of things with ARCS and cover art and signings!! Eeek!

    OK, how do you add this on Goodreads??


    YOU GO! Can't WAIT to see it on my bookshelf! I'll be shoving it on my friends left and right. Eek eek EEK! :DD

  33. Congratulations! :) That's so exciting!

  34. Congratulations!!! Wishing you many happy sales.

  35. WOO-HOO!! Really happy for you! Can't wait to read it. Stay blessed, DUO

  36. Jenny Bent is a rock star with impeccable taste. It's a well known fact here!


  37. When you said you had a big announcement, I hoped it was for a publication deal. YAY! And at auction no less...! Wow. You have worked hard for this, and have been such an encouragement to so many others at QT. Congratulations.

  38. SO happy for you, Anita:) Congrats!!!

  39. Wow, wow, wow! So thrilled for you!

  40. Baby Diva, you've all grown up! Congratulations to you, you've worked hard for every bit of it and are an inspiration. Makes me want to cry!

  41. Congrats! That's fantastic news. Glad you didn't give up. I'm going to Tweet this.

    Lynnette Labelle

  42. YAHOOOOO!! Couldn't happen to a nicer blogger!

  43. I just read this! I'm so proud of you and for you (as we say in the South). Can't quit smiling and I'm trying not to tear up, but just can't help it! So great! WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! I can't wait to see it in print and tell all my friends, "I know her! She's SO awesome!" Rock on Goat Goddess! Gives me one more reason not to quit.
    #goatlove :)

  44. Congratulations! What great news. :)

  45. Blessings and a cyber high-five, from my heart to you.

    Your story makes me smile :)

  46. WOWOW! I stepped out for the day and came back to all of these wonderful comments!! THANK YOU for sharing in my joy!! I'd like to answer each one of you, but eeps, that could take a bit. Just know that I've read each one and appreciate your sentiments so much! Sigh. Writing. What a great biz to be in. It has the NICEST people in the world. :)

  47. You can't see me right now, but I'm doing a happy-excited-boarderline-seizure-chacha-esque dance in your honor! A big fat congrats; you give us all hope! (Must stop dancing - neighbors are starting to point.)

  48. I have brought out all the goats from the #goatposse pen and am herding them down the street, to the ocean, where we will have a bonfire in your honor, with rockets and live music. Where was I earlier than I did not see this post??! Working, or sumpin? What silliness!
    I am so excited for you and cannot wait to hold THE BOOK in my hot little hands.

  49. Just finished my Anita shout-out on my blog!! :)

  50. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I KNEW IT! I can't wait for 2013. Why is publishing so slow?? I'm so excited for you Anita, it couldn't be more well deserved. You are so amazing and such an inspiration to the rest of us slugs! :)


  51. So. Cool! You totally deserve it. Congratulations!!

  52. Thanks gals! I appreciate you all so much! I can't wait until it's your turn to celebrate your own good news. The day is coming. And I will be there with bells on!

  53. Congratulations! Sounds like all your hard work paid off and now you can inspire us all to never give up!

    hugs and enjoy the editing~

  54. Congrats! If anyone deserves it, it's you! :D

  55. Congratulations!! Love the Charlotte's Web references. Very happy for you!

  56. Huge congratulations, Anita! For those of us still languishing in Queryland, this is a breath of fresh air.

  57. Thank you Ms.Parker and Krista!

    Krista, I don't think you'll be languishing much longer. You've been at this long enough that something's going to happen for you soon. :)

  58. Wooohooooo! So happy for you! This is the beginning of great things, I feel it in my computer keys. *Grin* You know, as opposed to a pen, which is what writers used to use. LOL
    Anyhooo....can't wait to read more posts! I love this one, it's great. :-)

  59. Thanks Jessie! I know, how did those writers DO THAT??


  60. This post almost made me cry. Okay, it did, but you absolutely can't quote me on that. I'm a manly man, dagnabbit.

    SO MUCH LOVE for this, for you, for Splintered, and for Amulet and Maggie and Jenny for seeing your greatness just bursting to be let out so you can shine. You've been an inspiration to other writers from the first day you stepped 'foot' on QueryTracker and I can't WAIT to see your book on the shelves!

    Congratulations lady.

    You have your date to the prom.

  61. Woohoo! Huge Congratulations!!!! :)

  62. CONGRATS! What an awesome acheivement! Savor the moment.

  63. I'm late, but not too late to do cart wheels for you! Now I have to dance. *This is me doing a little jig for you*

  64. Congratulations a millions! I am so happy for you and happy that we are sharing our good news on the same week! I can't wait to read your book, not only does the premise sound wonderful but your writing is gorgeous and original. I know I'm going to love it!

  65. Kalen~ Thanks dude. And you know, women think guys who cry are sexy. So, yeah. LOL. I appreciate the support!

    Jemi, Tonya, and E.R.~ Thanks so much!! :)

    Liesl~ CONGRATS on your own news! So awesome to be sharing the accomplishment w/you! :)

  66. I don't know how I missed this post, but OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Sorry it took me so long to congratulate you! You are awesome and deserve this x 1000!!!!! WOOT WOOT!

  67. Hey my Owlgoat! No probs! I'm just excited you dropped by today. :) Thank you so much!! I see this in your future, without a doubt. You are a fabulous writer and I can't wait till I actually get to read something book sized of yours! :)

  68. Pish! I can't wait until 2013 when I can read YOUR book! The goat posse needs to throw you a party :)

  69. I just read the great news on Kalen O'Donnell's blog; congratulations, Anita! I'm a new follower who looks forward to reading more about your road to publication.

  70. Aww, Owlgoat. YOU DA BEST! #goatwub

    Michelle~ How nice to meet you! Thanks for the sweet words, and I look forward to seeing you around here. BTW, do you have a blog I can follow?

  71. Anita, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations. *throws confetti*

  72. Congrats, Anita! This is such exciting news! Can't wait to hear more updates about it. It's so cool when a fellow QTer hits it big!

  73. Thanks so much Ryan! I'm looking forward to when you get to make your own announcement. You have a great agent, so you're almost there already! I appreciate the support. :)

  74. Absolutely praise God! I am SO pleased for you! Can't wait to read this book!

  75. Thanks Debbie! So glad you stopped by, and looking forward to seeing you soon. :)

  76. HUGE congrats to you my friend! I just now got back to reading blogs after being on vacation and starting work again. Late to the party, but no less happy for you!!!

    Looks like I'll be hitting you up for another interview over on WriterWriter Pants on Fire :)

  77. Thanks Mindy! And I'd be glad to interview w/you. LOVE your blog! Hope you had an awesome vacation. :)

  78. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!

  79. Thank you Peggy! It feels pretty sweet. :)

  80. Agh! I'm 10 days late to the party, but I'm SOOOO HAPPY your novel found a home!!! You deserve every bit of success coming your way, and I look forward to reading more news.

    This has been quite the year--and it keeps getting better. I signed with Jennifer DeChiara, so you're absolutely right--I won't give up!

    Your story inspires me greatly! Thanks for all that you've done and continue to do to reach out to those of us who're pursuing our dreams.

    I honestly can't think of a nicer person, and I'm so glad you've been blessed! Cheers!

  81. Stephanie, thank you SO much! And I'm thrilled for you getting your agent. :) CONGRATS to you, too! That's a huge accomplishment, and I've a feeling we'll be seeing a publishing announcement in your very near future!

  82. Hi! Long time no talk, I've been going through a major writing/inspiration dry spell and have been kind of avoiding QT, but I've been sending thoughts/prayers/well wishes your way in the mean time and decided to just stop through and see if there was any news on Splintered. And boy, is there ever! I am so incredibly happy and thrilled to read about your success. You absolutely deserve it and we are cheering along with you. :) I can't wait to buy my copy and start spreading the word!

  83. Oh, wow! Hi Stephanie! It's so good to see you again. :) I've thought about you and your superpower book several times. I've been away from QT myself; having a hard enough time balancing twitter, blog, family, and writing, so something had to give.

    Thanks so much for all of the prayers/well-wishes. See how great they paid off! And I'm so grateful for your support. I'll hop over to your blog and see how things are w/you. I hope your dry spell is far behind you and you're starting to move forward again! I'm living proof that if you just hang in, you can make it happen!

  84. Oh, so excited for you. I've been watching for the news since you hit QT! Going to tweet your awesome news. It makes the rest of us stuck in query-holding... well hopeful. :-)


  85. Thank you so much, Candie! WOW, I miss you guys over there. I'm so busy trying to build an online platform and get my editing done while balancing being a mom and wife, I can't get over there much anymore. Make sure you drop by again this Friday. I'm having Patrick McDonald (moderator/creator of QT) over for an interview, and a premium QT membership will be up for grabs! Let everyone on the QT threads know, too.

    Thanks so much for the tweet, BTW!! Lovely to see you again!

  86. a year late/ok almost lol

    i can't freaking wait to read it

  87. Haha! Thanks for stopping by. It's never too late to celebrate good news. :)
