Thursday, August 18, 2011

Query Trackers Making Tracks ... Resurrection

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for all of your wonderful comments and congrats via twitter and blogger over the past couple of days regarding my book deal news! You've made this such an amazing and memorable experience for me, and I can't wait to do the same for you one day soon!

Now, I know it's not my regular day to post, but I wanted to give a quick heads up that I'm raising my "successsful query trackers" series from its grave. My new goal is to have one the first Friday of each month, but because I had promised to start up again in August, we're squeezing one in tomorrow.

Be sure to stop by and see who my author guest will be. Here's a hint: her heroine once lost a shoe at a very important dance. ;)

Hope to see you tomorrow, and again, thank you so much for the gracious writerly/readerly support. You all ROCK. Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. *cheers wildly*

    YAY! I know its probably a lot of work for you but it is probably one of my favorite series in the blog-o-sphere.

    So a BIG thank you for bringing it back. I can't wait!

    PS - And congrats again!

  2. I hope I can be featured in who of your posts in the future! lol. :D I'm on QT right now! I want it to be successful!

  3. I jumped in here after the fact, I guess, so I'm not totally sure what your query tracker series was like. But I can't wait to check it out. I'll be back to see!

  4. Sophie~ Hi nicey pants! YAY! I'm so glad you like that series. :) Makes me even more excited to start it up again.

    Ashley~ I would love to have you over here. Keep me posted on any new developments!

    Catherine~ Well, welcome. And I look forward to seeing you around for them. I think you'll enjoy it. :)

  5. Success stories are awesome. So motivational.

    How much do you have to use QT to be a QT success story? I checked out all my agents there, but I'm not using the tracking features (I made my own spreadsheet for that).

  6. Hey Robin~ If you used QT at all to help you get your agent and / or publisher, you can be a part of the series. :)

  7. Coolness. :) Now let's see if I can get some success to tell in a story.... :D

  8. Haha! Oh, you will. I've seen the premise to your fae book. It ROX. Of course, I'm also a little partial to fae. :)

  9. Please tell me my blogger clock is wrong and you did NOT post this at 4:00 a.m.?! Oh, how I love you, but I want you to sleep! :)

  10. That's awesome. There are so many success stories and I love reading them!

  11. Hi Genni! And you're one of those stories. I need to have you on here so everyone can be inspired by you! I'll send a message your way.

    Bethany! LOL. No, I promise, I'm happily snoozing by four. I auto post it and set it for 4am because my goofy blog clock is off by two hours and four am = six am. It's all good! :) You're so sweet to care. Hee

  12. Woot woot! I'm stoked to find out who it is! :)

  13. Great to see the series coming back!

  14. Hi Lisa and David~

    Glad you're looking forward to it! I am, too. :) It's always so fun to have guests!

  15. Glad to see it coming back, Anita! and huge, huge congrats again <3
