
Friday, December 16, 2016

Roseblood's Less-Than-A-Month-Away-INTL Giveaway!

There's less than a month (24 days!) until RoseBlood hits shelves, so it's time for a giveaway. 

And I'm not the only one who's pulling out all the stops to celebrate. My publisher's YA website, Pique, is offering a beautiful limited edition Thorn postcard (crafted by Nathalia Suellen and signed by me!) to anyone who preorders the book (domestic). Follow this link for details.

Now, onto my personal INTL giveaway. To celebrate RoseBlood's imminent birthday, I'm offering up the following prizes:

1 Signed RoseBlood hardback and collector's mask

1- signed German Unhinged w/unique foreign cover
(in celebration of RoseBlood's recent foreign sales)

1- Phantom/music themed mask

1 - signed RoseBlood tote

1 skeleton key necklace
(representing the skeleton dorm keys in RoseBlood)

1 - RoseBlood themed charm bracelet
(representing details from the book)

 I still have so much to do to get ready for the launch, but I can't wait for readers to meet Thorn and Rune, and to become reacquainted with Erik! If you missed the virtual tour, you can go back and find all the character / music / book posts and reveals here.

Use the rafflecopter below to enter, and good luck to everyone. 

Happy Holidays, and don't forget to look for RoseBlood on shelves January 10, 2017!