
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My Authority Magazine Author Interview

I was recently interviewed by Sara Connell at Authority Magazine for her bestselling authors segment, and today the post went live. Below is a glimpse of two of my favorite questions:

If you'd like insights into how I learned the writing craft, or to see more of the challenges I overcame in my personal publishing journey (it was no cakewalk--😱🙃--but was worth every daunting step!) and also some querying advice for aspiring authors, check out the interview at this link.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Meet the Characters of Stain...

Stain's characters have been called kaleidoscopic, unique, spiritually deep, and elaborately drawn by reviewers. If you've yet to read my fairytale / fantasy hybrid, here's an insider's look at the seven most important players in my gritty and Gothic retelling inspired by The Princess and the Pea, with quotes from the book to pique your interest:





