Monday, October 31, 2011

Posie & Mosey Monday and Contest Winners

On Mondays, I like to share word posies with my readers. Comments are usually disabled so you can enjoy this gift of poetry then mosey on along to your list of daily do's. BUT, today is different because I have some WINNERS to announce.

Thank you everyone who played my Friday Fright-Fest Contest last week.

With the help of Mr., here are our five winners and the books randomly chosen for them:

  1. Bethany Crandell--Bad Girls Don't Die
  2. Sarah Pearson--Incantation
  3. Bess Van--The Trembling Hills
  4. Keriann Martin--Killing Britney
  5. Cherie--Fade
Lucky ladies, if you will please email me your addresses, I will send the books your way. Those of you who didn't win this time, I promise to have another contest soon.
Have a happy and safe Halloween, everyone, and enjoy the following creepy poem. Hope to see you on Thursday for another book trailer that has caught my eye.

Fragment Of A Ghost Story
  ~Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
A shovel of his ashes took
From the hearth's obscurest nook,
Muttering mysteries as she went.
Helen and Henry knew that Granny
Was as much afraid of Ghosts as any,
And so they followed hard-
But Helen clung to her brother's arm,
And her own spasm made her shake.


  1. What a teaser Mr. Shelley--eek!!

    WAHOO!! I wanted that book. Thank you, Mr. Random!! (And Anita). Fun contest.

  2. Yay! I've never won anything from a blog giveaway before. So excited!

  3. Congrats ladies! And thanks for playing. :)

  4. That was the perfect poem to get me in the mood for Halloween. Thanks for sharing, and have a lovely, spooky night!

  5. The poem caught my eye. I find the beat of poetry intriguing and this one is fascinating.

    If a writer can incorporate the musical beat to their MS, it makes the narrative pop.

    And its kinda spooky LOL.
    Congrats to the winners!

  6. I won? Wheee! I've been gone all day so this was a really, really nice surprise (and a reward I guess for my achy, blistered feet from taking the kids trick-or-treating for hours). Thank you, my dear!

    Love the poem! Perfect for Halloween ;)

  7. sarah~ Thanks for stopping by. :) I hope you had a great Halloween, too!

    Huntress~ That's one of my fave things about writing; incorporating lyricism into my sentences is a personal passion. :)

    Cherie and Keriann~ Yay for you both! And you're welcome. Thank you both for playing!

    Bethany~ Tweet tweet. *giggles*

  8. Oh, thank you, what a lovely surprise! I'm emailing you right now :-)

  9. Love the creepy poem! Perfect for Halloween!

    Brittany Roshelle

    The Write Stuff

  10. Sarah~ Yay for Mr. Random, right? LOL.

    A.M. ~ Hello my darling owlgoat. Thanks for popping in. :)

    Brittany~ So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Love the spooky photo! Oh, and Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of my favorite poets. Did you know that he was married to Mary Shelley who wrote FRANKENSTEIN? And did you know that one of his quotes is in THROUGH HER EYES and one of his poems is in THE SHADOW GIRL.

  12. HI Jenny! Thanks for stopping by. :) And yep, I did know that you had some Mr. Shelley goodies in your stories becuase I'm one of the luckies who has read both of them! :) But I didn't know that he was married to Mary! OMG, that lucky lady. He was a deep-soul guy. *Swoon*. Oh, and yep, that picture was a lucky find. I love me some deviantart. They have the coolest images over there...
