Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It takes a village...

To write a book.

I realize this now more than ever, especially since .... I got my edits!! And I have pictures to prove it!!

The page on top is the cover letter. Yep, even editors use these, just like us when we're sending off our MS to agents. The bar above the ABRAMS logo is actually a lovely salmon color, but my color printer is short on ink so I printed it off on my black and white.

My full nine page edit letter and my writing cheerleaders standing by.
Left to right: Hoops, Piddles, Yoyo, and Guido

I used to think, hmmm. I'll write my story, polish it until it shimmers like a sea shell's pearly innards, then send it off and TA-DA! My book will sit upon the shelves of every book store available to mankind. HA

Now I know the truth. It takes so many people, so many reads, and so many revisions, to get that book ready to sell to the public. So, since I'm about to be up to my ears in editing (observe my scant blog post calendar to the right) this will be my Thanksgiving post--a few weeks early.

I'm so thankful to have a crit group (including my email entourage--you know who you are) who I can brainstorm with, an agent who has believed in me from the moment she read my first chapter, and an editor who GETS me, loves my book despite its weaknesses, and knows how to make it strong enough to face the world.

I can't be too specific about the edits without giving stuff away that should remain top secret (hee), but I think it's safe to post this paragraph from my editor's cover letter that sums up what I'll be working on over the next few weeks (my due date for the edits is December 12):

This letter covers a lot of ground, but two of the main areas are Alyssa’s emotional journey—adding some nuance and discovering moments of growth—and questions about the world politics of Wonderland. I try to think of editing as a conversation, so please don’t consider any of this to be strict orders—I ask these questions because I’ve noticed something as a reader and wanted to bring it to your attention. We can talk back and forth about what direction to take the story, which in the end is your own.

My favorite line is the last one. This lets me know that  I'm still the author and I get a say in my book's evolution. This line also makes me even more excited to work with Maggie, because I know she respects my opinion. It just so happens that I'm in love with almost every suggestion which follows that paragraph (because Maggie is a brilliant and intuitive reader/editor). So I guess the fact that we're sympatico makes us a match made in literary heaven.

♥˘˘♥ *cues the singing angels* ♥˘˘♥  

Of course, this is only the first round of edits, and I still have the line edits and copy edits looming. But it feels so good to know that each step will make my book that much shinier.

Here are two great posts which have helped me embrace my edits without fear, if any of you are curious / going through this phase of publishing:

How to respond to Manuscript Edits

What is the Editing Process Really Like?

As to how this affects my online playtime, I might be hit and miss on Twitter for awhile. Also, I won't be having a Query Tracker guest post this month. As fate would have it, the gal I scheduled is waiting for some REALLY big news to announce, so we're putting off her post until the holidays are over.

If I fail to visit your blogs for a few weeks, please know I haven't forgotten you. I'm just up to my eyeballs in rewrites. Have a great weekend, and see you all soon!


  1. Take your time, you've got a book to finish! We'll be here when you get back!

  2. Good luck with edits, Anita! Agreed that your editor reminding you that it's *your* book is a cool move, but also good (mayhaps better) that you like her suggestions.

  3. Ooh, a peek into the elusive world of editors! That paragraph you pasted is awesome, Anita - shows how much respect your editor has for you and your work. =] I feel like a lot of the time people think the process is like, "THE PUBLISHING HOUSE WILL RUTHLESSLY TEAR YOUR WORK UP UNTIL IT IS UNRECOGNIZABLE!" I am glad to see it is not so.

    We will miss you while you dive into your work, but I can't WAIT to read that shiny fancy finished printed copy and I hope you have an awesome time editing! <3

  4. Your title today caught my attention. I've been thinking lately about all the people who have brought my book as far as it has come thus far. And how many more will touch it on it's journey. It does, indeed, take a village! I can't wait to read your book!

  5. Exciting!!! :-) love your little entourage! Congrats and hope all goes well.

  6. What an uplifting post! :)

    Thank you for sharing your experience, Anita. And best wishes as you move through this part of the process!

  7. Great post! Love the look into your life right now and the awesome tips included. SOO excited for you!

  8. Great post! Thanks for giving us a little peek into this rarely-seen part of the publishing process ;o)

    You are an amazing writer (from what I've seen myself and from what a certain Shakira-like goat has told me ;o) so I know you will ROCK those edits!

    Good luck!

  9. No worries about us--that's awesome! And good luck to you with your revisions. It sounds like you have a great editor to work with. Best to you, and can't wait to see the finished product! :o) ((hugs)) <3

  10. Wooohooo! Just get to work, girl, I want to see this thing in print!

  11. This is what it's all about. SQUEEE!!!
    Write away, my dearest.

    (And I'm pretty sure I'm crushing on Mags, too!)

  12. Good luck launching into all of these edits! I'm actually expecting my own letter quite soon. And I'm nervous. Ack!

  13. I love edit letters! And I love editors in general. It seems so scary until you get that weirdly supportive communication and realize you're on the same team. I'm so excited for you and for ALL THIS AWESOME.

    (And excited for me, as it means I'm closer to reading the book. Waaaaaugh!)

  14. Thanks everyone! I'm already in the zone today, and feeling the love even more for these awesome suggestions and insights from Maggie. :) Sending all of you good writing vibes!

  15. This makes me so freaking proud of my twink squad sister. Take your time, enjoy the process, and we'll be here cheering you on when you get back. And you better BELIEVE I'll be sending some rockin' writing vibes your way!!!! :D xoxoxoxo

  16. Kerri~ Thanks, twinksquad girl! I'll be missing you guys, but will let you know the minute I finish! And thank you so much for the writing vibes!

  17. It is SO COOL that you shared this! Good luck with your rewrites and SQUEEEEE! I'm still so excited this is happening for you!!

  18. A.M. ~ Aw, thanks Owlgoat! It's very exciting, a little surreal, and a smidge overwhelming, but in a REALLY good way. I could never have made it this far w/out the support of my friends and #goatposse. That's for sure. :) Thanks for dropping by!

  19. Good luck with your edits, my dear! <3

  20. Thank you so much for posting this. I love getting little glimpses into what it's like to get published. Good luck with your edits! It sounds awesome and challenging in the best way possible.

  21. Keriann~ Hey there! I remember I used to love getting inside glimpses, so I want to make sure and share every step I can because one of these days it's going to be your journey. :)

  22. So great that you've got people who get your story, and make good suggestions that point you in the right direction, while allowing you to keep your vision of the story in tact.

  23. Hello! I think this is my first time on your blog and what an amazing blog it is too! Good luck with your edits and with your writerly journey! So glad to see you are soon to be published- exciting times ahead! Yay! Take care
