Monday, April 16, 2012


Today my poetry post is preempted for a little house cleaning. Lately I've been tagged with a few memes and they're gathering dust on my shelves.  This one seems most pressing because three authors hit me with it. Two on twitter, and one on Facebook. So, first, to thank them.

Thank you, Gennifer Albin, Jessica Khoury, and Jessica Nelson!

And without further adieu, the Lucky 7 Meme...

Here are the rules:

1. Go to the seventh or 77th page of the WIP or latest book
2. Count down seven lines.
3. Copy the 7 sentences that follow and post them.
4. Tag 7 other authors.

Here are my 7 lines from page 77 in my Word doc of Splintered:

The girl—who looks to be five—wears a frilly red pajama top with long, puffy sleeves and matching pants that cover her ankles. She sits on a grassy knoll beside the boy, who can’t be more than eight. They both have their backs to me.

Black wings drape behind the boy like a cloak, matching his velvet pants and silky shirt. He tilts sideways, so I catch his profile, but his face stays hidden beneath a curtain of glowing blue hair as he uses a needle to thread dead moths along a string—making the gruesome equivalent of a popcorn garland.

His feet—snug inside black hiking boots—are propped on a set of sketches, the same ones glued inside Alison’s Wonderland book.

“There.” His young, soft voice rustles like feathers on the wind.

Since I've always been a slow runner, I'm not even going to attempt tagging you. If you'd like to play along and give me a glimpse of your latest WIP, snag that Lucky 7 icon, post your lines on your blog, and leave a comment below. I'd love to hop over and see it!

Have a great Monday, everyone!


  1. Love love love! Such rich detail and characterization. I am DYING to read this, you know.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, my Rookie. That guy. Even as a kid he's an enigma. ;)

  3. Thanks for the peek, Anita!

    I posted mine up over here:

    1. So glad you played along, Ryan! Loved your excerpt!

  4. Love those lines. Can't wait for your book to release!

    1. Thanks Christina! I'm very excited about finally holding it in my hand. :) It'll be here before we know it.

  5. Is this a young version of a certain bad boy?

    1. Why yes. Yes it is. Heh. He has some really interesting quirks, that one. :)

  6. Wooohooo, coincidence that this snippet includes my fave hero? I think not. *grin*

    1. And this is one of the newer scenes that you haven't read yet. HEE. You just wait. You're going to love the rewrite.

  7. I CANNOT WAIT!!! EVERYONE I know is going to know about this book!! ahahaha.

    1. Haha! Yay Ashley! You can put up flyers at college. LOL!

  8. This is gorgeous! I'm so glad you did this meme and gave us all a glimpse of your beautiful writing!

    1. Aw, thanks my little Owly. That means so much to me coming from someone who writes such beautiful prose herself! :)
