Friday, April 13, 2012

Splintered Cover Reveal Giveaway Winners!!!

Thank you everyone for taking part in the giveaway and helping me celebrate my fabulously lovely and creepy cover for Splintered!!!  It's now sitting happily on my side bar. *le sigh* Every step closer to being on the shelves is sweeter than the one before, and it's even better because I have such wonderful friends to share it with! ♥˘˘♥
Without further adieu, here are the winners:

Kaylie Austen, you're the winner of the frabjous Alice pack + bookplate:

 And the eleven winners of the personalized signed bookplates are:

Laura Ellen Handy
Sarah Ebbith Cruz Aponte
Angela Cook
Beth Dilorio
Angie (@pinkindle)
Margie Mohamed
Ayliesha Harris
Shelley Coriell

If the winners could all please email me at anita(at)aghoward(dot)com and send me your addresses, I'll get those prizes mailed off to you! Also, be sure to let me know who you want the bookplate made out to.

Thank you again, and if you didn't win this time, take heart. I'll be having LOTS more contests/giveaways, especially now that I have an image I can use for some awesome Splintered swag! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Beautiful cover Anita! Congratulations, I know how hard you worked and helped others. You so earned this proud moment!

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Elizabeth! I'm really looking forward to the day all of you get to have this very same moment, so I can help you celebrate! :)

  2. Whoa! Now, isn't that a beautiful cover! Simply gorgeous! Congrats!

  3. Congrats to the winners! And yeah, your cover is definitely drool-worthy! <3

    1. Thank you my sparkly friend. :) *dabs chin with hanky*

  4. Exciting!!! Congrats to all the winners! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  5. Whhhhaaaaa?? I thought, I never win anything...ever, but of course I'll read this post and check out the lucky winners. I'm so excited! squeee!! I'm going to blog about, lol, and expand the cover love. Of course, expect that I'll be back to win Splintered swag and ARCs???
    Congrats to everyone who won a signed bookplate!
    Thank you Anita, honey, you're still rocking the awesomeness!

    1. Congrats, girl! I'm so happy you're excited! I'll get them to you soon. :)

  6. I'm just going to grab my overnight bag and camp out by your sidebar, I know I keep saying it....BUT... I LOVE YOUR COVERRRRR :)

    1. Hey Twink! Come on over! We can have s'mores and tell ghost stories by my Blog on Fire award. LOL

  7. congrats, Kaylie. I'm not jealous *cracks knuckles* not at all ;)

    1. Hahaa...bring it! Anyway, you have your hands on some things, too. :P

    2. No worries, Rook. Something special will be coming in the mail for you soon! :)
