Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cobwebs are nature's lace doilies...

Lately it's been quiet here on my blog, and it will remain that way for the most part through March.

I'm up to my neck writing toward my February deadline (I was signed for two YA novels with Amulet so I'm working on another contemporary fantasy, though I’m not at liberty to give any more info than that yet ... but soon, I hope!). Between the writing and Splintered signings/promo, I don't have much time for blogging right now.

But, even when something is left alone and neglected for a bit, beauty and enlightenment can still be found if you look hard enough. I've written 170 posts over the last couple of years, with subjects ranging from writing, to soul searching, to pure silliness.

There's a list of the most popular posts (according to # of views) on the bottom of my sidebar, and here's a list of some of my personal faves:

1. Angels Among Us
2. Attack of the Bloodesucking Pygmy Goats
3. Wherein a Shoe Has a Soul
4. Meme of Maniacal Madness
5. What the ER Taught Me About Writing
6. I Want to Be a Spark Plug

If you're looking for something in particular, you can search my blog by subject with the search box I've added on the sidebar, or skim through the labels listed underneath the popular posts.

I've also updated the "website" pages of my blog to include a calendar for tour/signing dates and locations:

Events and Appearances

And I now have a swag request page for bloggers and readers who'd like personalized swag for giveaways or for themselves:

 Show Me the Swag

Busy is good, and hopefully I've filled this spot with enough posts and information to keep it from growing too many dust bunnies until I can return with fresh new posts. (◕‿-) There is beauty in silence ... and wisdom in introspection, so I'll leave you to your thoughts and get back to my writing.

Have a wonderful early 2013, and I'll see you very soon!


  1. "There is beauty in silence... and wisdom in introspection."
    And you are so right. You could have simply included the photo of that web and wiped your hands. I'm already feeling inspired.

    1. Aw, thank you lovely! So hopefully that inspired feeling will = awesome wordage for both of us today. ;) Thank you for dropping in!

  2. I am SO excited to hear you are working on something else! I cannot wait to read it (b/c I know it's going to be FABULOUS, you could not write anything but fabulous!). I am watching you. You are the next big it! And if people don't know that now, they will!!!

    1. Brooke, you ROCK! Thanks for your book love and faith in me! Here's hoping I can tell everyone about my next book very soon. :) So happy you dropped by. You made my day! ^.^

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm excited! Just REALLY hoping to make that deadline... ;P *sweating bullets*

  4. Um...sorry, but I didn't see your interview with me among your personal faves. Probably my eyes playing tricks on me. (◕‿-)

    Love the picture of that web, though I wouldn't like to be sitting too close to it. As for you being quiet for a few months, yes...we will miss you, but if missing you is your audiences contribution to another fantastic AG Howard novel, then consider it done and worth the cost.

    love you!

    1. Have I told you lately that I love you? Hee. Thanks for the support, lovely pallie. And er ... about the interview ... you'll notice I didn't list ANY of those. Wouldn't want to be accused of playing favorites. *cough*

  5. Another book?Yippee!!!!! xD Can't wait to read it!!!!I'm already booking a draft/ARC/whichever you can provide for it. ;) By the way,just received the presents.Did I ever mention how much I love you?The skateboard keychain made my day,though I MIGHT have seen it coming. ;D Have fun at your writing den! **waves**

    1. And they came at a perfect time as well! :) my sixteenth Bday is right around the corner(it's on the 11th) so it was like an advanced birthday present,which made them all the more special. :D <3

    2. Yay! Happy upcoming birthday! So, 16... that means you'll be able to make good use of that skater key chain, right? LOL. And of course you're on my ARC list. <3

    3. A very happy (un)birthday, to you!!

  6. Good luck and happy writing, my dear! Rock the wordage because we wants more of your gorgeous words!! <3

    1. Awww, thanks my lovely sparkle pants! *hugs you* I'm working really hard!
