
Thursday, December 27, 2018

INTL Giveaway for Santa Morpheus Poster + Morpheus Prequel Story!

Happy holidays! In case you haven't seen the international giveaway that includes Morpheus’s origin story, Alice the Absent, it's taking place right now! 

First, Santa Morph wants to remind everyone in the U.S. that you’re guaranteed his short story via the Stain pre-order-incentive swag pack being offered through Jan 14th (check out this link for more info). 

International giveaway deets:

  • This contest is taking place both on my FaceBook and my can enter both places if you'd like to increase your chance to win; I'll be choosing one winner from each spot for a total of two winners! 

  • Prize pack (pictured above) includes a poster of the frabjous and festive “Santa Morpheus and Chessie the elf” drawing (created by Natalia Godik) -- signed by me (Chessie might sneak in a pawprint, too), and a signed Stain 1st chapter sampler + the Morpheus short story, Alice the Absent!  

This giveaway ends on the 29th, so be sure to hurry over and enter! 

Friday, December 7, 2018

A Peak Inside Stain's Pages...

In less than 6 weeks, Stain hits bookstores, which means it’s reveal time! My high fantasy/ fairy tale hybrid inspired by The Princess and the Pea has 32 chaps divided into three parts, with titles that highlight each scene’s essence and the Gothic fairy tale atmosphere. Check out the image for a sneak peek! 

Click to view high res image

And don't forget, if you preorder, you're eligible for a print copy of Morpheus's prequel origin story from my Splintered series (pictured below)! Follow this link for details.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Author Visits this week!

Here are my upcoming events in Houston tomorrow and Tuesday (times & locations). Hope to see some of you there!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Stain's Barnes & Noble Exclusive Edition

More exciting Stain news! Barnes & Noble is offering an exclusive edition with extra pages full of amazing content! A preorder will earn you an incentive package, just as any Stain preorder. 

Follow this link to the B&N website for ordering info.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Stain's first trade review...

So thrilled with this glowing Kirkus review for my upcoming gothic fairy tale!

Don't forget the preorder incentive going on now through 1/14/19:

For details and order options, follow this link.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The White Rabbit is out of the Hat...

At last! The frabjous gift I've been teasing for weeks has been revealed...

As part of my publisher's preorder incentive for Stain, I've written a brand new prequel "origin story" about our favorite moth-man, Morpheus! 

These print copies (with gorgeous original cover art) will ONLY be available via this campaign. It's not for sale anywhere, and it's not available online. So if you want to see how Morpheus became the master of mischief who stole the show in the Splintered Series (or if you've never read Splintered and want to meet him before starting the books--the story's spoiler free!) be sure to preorder Stain and follow the instructions you'll find at the link I provided below.

Also included in this gift pack is a signed bookplate for your copy of Stain, and a beautiful customized gold and purple enamel rose pin. Exclusive only to this campaign, it pays homage to some very unique roses from my gothic fairy tale.

Offer good until 1/14/19 or while supplies last. Allow 8 to 10 weeks for delivery.
Offer limited to residents of the 50 U.S. (and D.C.), aged 13 or older. 

For instructions on how to get your preorder gift pack, follow this link

So excited to finally share this short story; I had a blast hanging out with Morpheus and some of the Splintered crew once more in my warped Wonderland, and I hope you'll leap at this opportunity to go there again, too!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Perfect Ebook Deal for Halloween!

Halloween is just around the corner; it's one of my favorite times of year to curl up with a creepy read. 

If you're like me and looking for an eerie and romantic story, or if you're in the mood for snuggling up with a past favorite, my #1 NYT bestselling Phantom of the Opera spinoff, RoseBlood, is on sale now for $1.99. NOTE: This is a very special version, because included is a one chapter sneak peek into my upcoming gothic fairytale Stain!

Follow this link for ordering options, and have a Spooktacular Halloween. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

YA Scavenger Hunt Stain Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the YA Scavenger Hunt! For my personal giveaway, rafflecopter has chosen the winners below. I've sent out emails, so please be sure to check your inboxes if you're name is listed.

Congrats to the winners, and there's a Stain blog tour on the horizon where we'll have another giveaway, so stay tuned! Also, in case you missed the announcement, there's a Stain preorder gift that's in the works, and if you enjoyed Splintered or Alice in Wonderland, you'll want to keep your eyes on my social venues for deets!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Welcome to the Fall 2018 YA Scavenger Hunt!

 Welcome to the fall 2018 YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors...and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a number clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize--one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours! 

HELP: If you're confused at any time, you can always get back on track by going to the YA Scavenger Hunt how to hunt page to read the steps. Or, go to the STUCK page for a bird's eye view of all the author's links. 

There are seven hunts going on simultaneously with over 100 books up for grabs INTL, and you can enter one or all! I'm a part of the PURPLE TEAM--

but there are also BLUE, ORANGE, GREEN, GOLD, PINK, & RED teams, each with different sets of signed books in their prize packs!

If you'd like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt prize page.


Directions: At the bottom of this post, you'll notice that I've listed my favorite number. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the PURPLE TEAM and then add them up (don't worry, you can use a calculator!) for a chance to win the prize pack of books pictured below: 

Entry Form: Once you've added up all the secret numbers of the PURPLE TEAMmake sure to fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize above. Only entries that have the correct answer will be put in the drawing.

Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian's permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by October 7, at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.


For my post in the YA Scavenger Hunt, I'm honored to be hosting Madeline Dyer, author of The Untamed Series:

MADELINE DYER lives on a farm in the southwest of England, where she hangs out with her Shetland ponies and writes young adult books—sometimes, at the same time. She holds a BA Honors degree in English from the University of Exeter, and several presses have published her fiction. Madeline has a strong love for anything dystopian, ghostly, or paranormal, and she can frequently be found exploring wild places. At least one notebook is known to follow her wherever she goes.

For the hunt, Madeline is giving away Book 1: Untamed

**2017 SIBA Award Winner for Best Dystopian Novel** 

In a world where addiction is encouraged, one girl must fight to stay clean... 

As one of the last Untamed humans left in the world, Seven's life has always been controlled by tight rules. Stay away from the Enhanced. Don't question your leader. And, most importantly, never switch sides--because once you're Enhanced there's no going back. Even if you have become the perfect human being.

But after a disastrous raid on an Enhanced city, Seven soon finds herself in her enemy's power. Realizing it's only a matter of time before she too develops a taste for the chemical augmenters responsible for the erosion of humanity, Seven knows she must act quickly if she's to escape and save her family from the same fate.

Yet, as one of the most powerful Seers that the Untamed and Enhanced have ever known, Seven quickly discovers that she alone holds the key to the survival of only one race. But things aren't clear-cut anymore, and with Seven now questioning the very beliefs she was raised on, she knows she has an important choice to make. One that has two very different outcomes.

Seven must choose wisely whose side she joins, for the War of Humanity is underway, and Death never takes kindly to traitors.

Find out more information on Madeline and her books by following her online venues:


Twitter: @MadelineDyerUK




To continue your hunt for another number clue to help you win the PURPLE TEAM prize pack, you'll need to visit the next author hereBut before you go . . .


First, while I have your attention, I have an exciting announcement to make:

Now, onto the giveaway. Like the official #YASH giveaways, this one ends on October 7th. And to celebrate the upcoming release of Stain (hitting shelves January 2019), I'm offering the following enchanted fairy tale prizes (INTL):

1- Signed Stain VIP Preview Copy (all 518 pages of story!)

4- Signed Stain 1st Chapter Samplers

1- 8X10" Fairytale Journal

1- Fox "Sylph" print signed by artist Greg Harms

That means  7 different INTL winners! See the rafflecopter below for entry options. Good luck to everyone, and happy hunting!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

An excerpt from Stain + a preview of the beautiful book jacket!

Next Tuesday-Sunday, October 2-7, this year's fall YA Scavenger Hunt goes live!

One of the books up for grabs will be a hardback copy of Stain, my gothic fairytale (hitting shelves January 2019). To celebrate, I wanted to reveal the gorgeous artwork and excerpt on the book jacket: 

Click to enlarge image

Beautiful colors, right? It's only fitting that I’m on the Purple Team.

Here's a peek at the other amazing titles my team is giving away (INTL!):

Also, I’ll have a bonus personal INTL "fairytale" giveaway offering these enchanting prizes:

Click image to enlarge

So, be sure to join us on Tuesday so you don't miss out on all the free books and swag! :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Another giveaway on the horizon, with over 100 books up for grabs!

Next Tuesday-Sunday, October 2-7, this year's fall YA Scavenger Hunt goes live!

I’m on the Purple Team and will be promoting Stain, my gothic fairytale hitting shelves January 2019. Here's a peek at the other amazing books my team is giving away (INTL!):

If you'd like a look at all the YASH books up for grabs, follow this link

And I’ll have a bonus personal INTL "fairytale" giveaway offering the enchanting prizes pictured below:

Click image to enlarge

That's a lot of free books and swag! I hope you'll get to join us on Tuesday. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Peek inside my upcoming fairy tale fantasy...

Here's a glimpse of the prologue + gritty gothic fairy tale interior of Stain, as showcased in the limited-edition sampler. 

Click to enlarge


For anyone living in the Lubbock area who missed Hub City Con 2018 last weekend, head over to B&N (Slide Rd location), buy any of my young adult autographed books, and receive a signed sampler (there are only 10 samplers left, so first come first served!).


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Glass Butterfly Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to all who took part in The Glass Butterfly Giveaway! 

Below are the lucky winners. 

Click image to enlarge

Congrats to you all! I've sent out emails, so check your inboxes. If you find your name above but didn't receive an email, please reach out to me via my contact info here. Those who didn't win this time, stay tuned, because there are some great Stain giveaways on the horizon!

Also, The Glass Butterfly update: The book in PB and e-book form are now available at all the usual venues online (for domestic orders). Follow this link for buying options. For anyone wanting a PB shipped foreign, it should be available on within the next week or so. Keep checking back at the link provided.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why The Glass Butterfly's book birthday is a CATastrophe (aka: why I've been quiet as a dormouse the past few days)...

Today is The Glass Butterfly's official book birthday! HURRAH!

(gif by Heather Love King)

However, there's been a glitch. Since I've chosen to publish these books as indie titles (see story behind that decision here), I myself am responsible for uploading every version individually, paperbacks, ebooks, etc... on each and every online site available to indie authors.

Unfortunately, there's a processing timeline that has to be adhered to. It takes most versions at least 72 hours to go through and appear on all the venues for purchase.

Normally, I'm on the ball and can get things done three days ahead. In fact, I had last Friday set on my calendar as upload day, but then something unexpected dropped into my path...this little love, right here:

Friday afternoon while running errands, my daughter and I spotted this teensy 6-week-old baby scrambling around on busy a four-lane street in the middle of town (gif is a representation, not actual location). 

She was so terrified, she finally rolled up in a trembling ball in the middle lane as seven or more cars (and even a semi!) passed over her at full 40 mph speed without slowing down. The tires barely missed her each time because--by some miracle--she was centered between the lines just perfectly. 

My heart stopped with every car's passage. I was praying she'd survive, but had tears in my eyes and averted my gaze each time...the thought of her getting crushed was harrowing. I was trembling myself as I pulled into the closest parking lot to find a way to get her. Fortunately, at the same time, an anonymous, heroic man (who I will forever believe was this kitten's guardian angel) stopped his car mid-traffic and put the hazards on to pick her up out of the street. 

After he rescued her, he pulled into the parking lot where we waited. He stepped out of his truck, wincing, because the poor little love was wound around his ankle like a teensy, furry python and had her claws embedded in his skin. As I helped him get free, he asked if I could take over from there. I said of course, because I knew she was meant to be ours. 

We were only two minutes away from my veterinarian's office. The kitten was inconsolable and yowling so we wrapped her in a towel to protect her sharp little claws (and ourselves, haha) while I drove over.

After keeping her overnight, our vet gave her a good bill of health (another miracle that she had only road burn on her nose and paws from nuzzling into a tight ball on the asphalt to barricade herself against the velocity of the cars passing over), so we brought her home to be part of our family on Saturday. Here she is, happy and healthy in her safe place on the little fleece blanket I made for her.

She's a sweet, resilient tiny kitten. We named her Jujube (like the miniature gummy candies that I loved as a teen).

We call her Juju for short which is fitting, because in the urban dictionary, Juju means luck (bad and good both). Also, if you add a “b” at the end of each “u” it becomes jubjub (like the bird from Alice in Wonderland). 

How fitting is that for the pet of an author who's written an AiW spinoff?

All that to say, due to our newest addition, I didn’t have time to do any work until Monday because we were helping Juju adjust to her home and recuperate from her traumatic experience. 

So, as of now, the only places where The Glass Butterfly is live are Nook, Amazon, and iTunes (apple). Perfect for anyone who'd like to order the ebook versions and start reading today! 

However, if you're wanting a paperback, there is only one venue available from which to order, and it's B&N. Others should be processed by this weekend. I will update The Glass Butterfly page with more buttons as soon as other versions become available, so keep checking there!

Also, in the spirit of her new and bright future, Jujube thanks you for your patience and hopes you'll take part in the festivities while you wait! There's still a fantastic INTL giveaway going on for the prizes below through August 18th, so be sure to enter the rafflecopter before you leave today. And as always, thanks so much for the book support!

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Glass Butterfly Tour and Giveaway!

In just a little over a week, THE GLASS BUTTERFLY will be available for purchase! You can preorder on kindle today, and all other formats, including Nook and paperback will be available in other stores and venues on August 15th.

To celebrate, we're having a two week review tour from August 6th-10th & 13th-17th (weekdays only).

There's also an INTL giveaway for the amazing prizes pictured here! 

Click image for a closer look!

Giveaway info: To check out some early reviews and enter the giveaway, visit any or all of the tour stops listed below over the next 2 weeks, and look for the rafflecopter provided at the end of each post!

Week One

8/6/2018- A Dream Within A DreamReview
8/7/2018- Smada's Book SmackReview
8/8/2018- YA SH3LFReview
8/9/2018- Book-KeepingReview
8/10/2018- Omg Books and More BooksReview

Week Two

8/13/2018- Literary DustReview
8/15/2018- Lisa Loves LiteratureReview
8/16/2018- Pandora's BooksReview
8/17/2018- BookHounds YAReview

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Stain galley pages have arrived!

I always find the evolution of a manuscript so fascinating ... all the stages it takes before actually being born as a "real" book. 

I wanted to share a peek at Stain's galley. This is the production phase where the word doc is being formatted to take on the form of a book. 

In answer to the question, "What color will Stain's ink be?" I offer this up-close image of the interior artwork:

My phone's flash gave the image a sepia tone, but my publisher actually chose a black/white/grayscale antiquated interior to represent the fairy tale / medieval theme—a starkly beautiful effect that also honors the book’s unpolished and flawed Gothic princess. I’m hoping fellow lovers of dark fairy tales will adore this book aesthetic as much as I do!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Stain poster giveaway!

***Sweepstakes Alert***

Ten beautiful Stain posters up for grabs! 

If you’d like a chance for one, my publisher is hosting the giveaway. Just follow this link to enter.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Announcing the Glass Butterfly Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the giveaway and helped me get the word out about The Glass Butterfly's playlist and pinterest boards! The winners are listed below:

Congrats to you all! I've sent out emails, so check your inboxes. If you find your name above but didn't receive an email, please reach out to me via my contact info here.

Anyone who didn't win, don't despair. There will be another giveaway to celebrate the book's birthday very soon! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Glass Butterfly Pinterest & Playlist Reveal + Giveaway!

In less than 2 months, The Glass Butterfly will break free of its cocoon and fly. So it's time for a couple of reveals and a giveaway!

Below is a peek at my secret pinterest board. I've now made it public, so by clicking on the image, you'll be taken to pinterest where you can see all my visual inspirations for the story.

Click to go to board

And anyone who knows me knows I'm inspired auditorily as well as visually, so here are the songs that I used to set moods, emotions, and scenes.

Don't have spotify? Check out a list of the songs linked up to youtube by visiting this page on my Haunted Hearts Legacy website.


Now for the international giveaway. Below are the five prize packs up for grabs. Just enter the rafflecopter for your chance at one!

The Architect of Song prize pack 
(signed swag, 
8x11 vintage musical sheet and flower print)

The Hummingbird Heart prize pack 
(signed swag, Papyrus jeweled 
hummingbird greeting card)

The Glass Butterfly prize pack 
(signed swag, set of 6 butterfly/dragonfly magnets)

Journal and Quill prize pack 
(vintage brocade journal, 
quill and ink set)

Haunted Hearts Legacy prize pack 
(three book set, signed and personalized)

Good luck to all who take part, and I look forward to sharing this romantic, mysterious, and ghostly tale with you on August 15, 2018!