
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

STAIN cover reveal giveaway!


Welcome to the Stain cover reveal! If you haven't yet seen the beautiful cover by Nathalia Suellen, here's a sneak peek. 

To see the whole image in all its magical fairytale glory, follow this link. 

And here's the updated book description:
A gothic fairytale inspired by The Princess and the Pea. 
After Lyra—a princess incapable of speech or sound—is cast out of her kingdom of daylight by her wicked aunt, a witch saves her life, steals her memories, and raises her in an enchanted forest . . . disguised as a boy known only as Stain. Meanwhile, in Lyra's rival kingdom, the prince of thorns and night is dying, and the only way for him to break his curse is to wed the princess of daylight, for she is his true equal. As Lyra finds her way back to her identity, an impostor princess prepares to steal her betrothed prince and her crown. To win back her kingdom, save the prince, and make peace with the land of the night, Lyra must be loud enough to be heard without a voice, and strong enough to pass a series of tests—ultimately proving she’s everything a traditional princess is not.

Now onto the international giveaway for a chance at these pretty prizes!

Each prize has something to do with the story. As for the arc, those will be available later this year, so this is your first chance to win one! I'm also offering a signed Splintered collector's set. What does that have to do with the story? Much like Splintered, this book is filled with magic, mystical characters, fantastical creatures (some creepy, some cute and funny, and some beautiful), and intricate world building. So if you liked all those things in my Alice in Wonderland tales, you'll like it in Stain. What about the other prizes? Here's a hint as to what they represent:

The sun and moon bookmark signify our prince and princess and their destiny to reunite a world that's been split in two by a curse. The moon has been torn from the sky and banished to a wintry night kingdom deep beneath the earth, leaving the sun and kinder seasons to the day kingdom above ground:

You can find the rafflecopter for the prizes at the end of this post. If you want to know more about Stain and the symbolism behind the cover art, read on!

By looking at the cover, you can see Lyra (aka Stain) isn't a typical princess. She's in fact an anti-princess. She's tinged blue with moonlight, causing her aunt to dub her a "stain upon the family name" in their kingdom of perpetual sun. The night prince, on the other hand, is copper-complected in a realm of moonlit people. Each is foretold to balance the other, and together, they're to unite their broken world.

 What's up with the princess's crazy-long eyelashes? Here's an excerpt from the book, when the wicked aunt first sees her niece, the crown heir:

"It is startling.” Griselda observed the babe around her brother’s sturdy shoulder; the tiny princess wriggled within her ivory-lace blanket, a faint, bluish-tinged creature that resembled a curdled shadow on a saucer of cream. “Her lashes . . . they’re bone-white. And longer and more numerous than a centipede’s legs. There’s no denying she’s been touched by moonlight. She’ll have no shield from the sun.  It must be the illness from the queen’s blood. A contagion from the cursed land of eternal gloom and ice.”

On the cover, my princess wears a crown of barbed wire, representative of the thorns and nails that contribute to her scars. Scars are something she shares with the prince. Here's an excerpt from the book highlighting their flaws:

“I wonder how many that is now?” Vesper patted the raised welt. “Perhaps enough I can double as a patchwork quilt.” The edges of his mouth twitched in a teasing smirk. “Let’s play a trick on the castle’s seamstresses . . . hang me on the wall naked beside their finest creations. See how long it takes them to notice.”

Stain stifled a surprised laugh at his attempt at levity. Her own scars stared back at her, providing an intimate awareness of how desecrated he must feel. Though some of her wounds had been made through experiences and adventures she chose, there were others inflicted upon her, robbing her of any choice. 

As for the colors of the cover, gold and purple both play pivotal roles in the story. 

And of course there are the spiderwebs and moths surrounding the princess. Nighttime creepers are her attendants in this tale, as are shadows. 

Stain is due to launch January 2019! I'll have more reveals and giveaways along the way, but until then, be sure to enter the rafflecopter below, and thanks for partaking in the cover reveal festivities!


  1. Absolutely breathtaking. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am to have this, to read it and display it, so proudly on my new shelves. (I will, of course, have an entire shelf dedicated to YOUR books!)

    1. My favourite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin. I adore both but now The Princess and the Pea may take the third spot there. I cannot wait !!

    2. Thank you for the cover love and book support! <3 And good luck in the giveaway!

    3. Opps i posted my What's my favorite fairy tale on your IG but mine would have to be all of them fairy tales runs through my veins especially with a dark twist love your new cover strain. I can't wait to add it to my A.G. Howard bookshelf yes and there's room for more.

  2. Oh wow, Splintered is one of my favorite books ever and wow, that cover is absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I think it might be my favorite cover with Abrams/Amulet so far. I'm really digging those fairy tale elements! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  3. Oh and my favorite fairytale is either beauty and the beast, little mermaid, or of course Alice if you consider that.

  4. Too excited for this book right now! I was expecting something like Splintered series and this Made my day!
    And my favourite fairytale is Tinkerbell or Alice in Wonderland, because i LOVE crazy things as a crazy person :D

    1. I love crazy things, too, from one mad person to another. Haha. Thanks for the cover love! This artist is so fantastic. I'm so lucky to have had her for all my books so far! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  5. This beautiful! I'm excited that it will be added to my shelves someday with the rest!

    I'm not sure what my absolute favorite fairytale is, but among the top are Alice in Wonderland & Snow White, and in full disclosure I tend to love retellings more than the originals. For instance, Once Upon a Time is one of my favorite shows. I just love *all* the things authors of books, shows, and movies can do with the characters and world's. Different perspectives, lineages, pairings, or crossings of characters that someone else may never have thought of... it's all so awesome.

    1. Thanks for the book support, Brandy! And honestly, I think this might be my favorite cover with Abrams/Amulet so far. I'm really digging those fairy tale elements! And I've yet to watch Once Upon a Time, but I really want to one day. I think it would be right up my alley! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  6. My favorite fairytale would definitely have to be the original Little Mermaid! It is so dark and twisted, not like the Disney version

    1. While entertaining and clearly well received, Disney does make the original fairy tales into something light and fluffy... like soft serve vanilla ice cream, hold the toppings. ;)

  7. I'm in love with a lot of fairy tales but my favs are Beauty and the beast and The little mermaid! 😄

  8. My fave fairytale is Hansel and Gretel!

  9. I have to pick just one fairy tale? Briar Rose. She's always been my favorite.

  10. Done! Loved the Splintered Series.

    I'm dead.
    -goes to figure out how to preorder-

    1. Haha. Thanks for the cover love! Unfortunately, it's still too early for preorder. But I'll be sure to let everyone know when it's available. Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  12. My favorite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland.

  13. My all time favorite fairy tale has to be Cinderella, she escaped her evil step-family and some crows pecked out her step-sisters eyes!! :]

  14. I love fairy tales in general (and wrote my undergraduate honors thesis on the impact of fairy tales on children). :) It's hard to choose a favorite!

  15. That cover is just gorgeous!!

    My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast!

  16. Alice in Wonderland (even more so after reading Splintered)!!

    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my warped of version of Wonderland. ;) Good luck in the giveaway!

    2. Thank you! Your stories definitely inspire looking at things from a different perspective.

  17. My favourite fairytale has always been Alice in Wonderland!

  18. My favorite fairytale is Alice in wonderland! <3

  19. My favourite faerytale has to be the original "Sleeping Beauty" (Yes THAT one hahaha!) Followed oh so closely by Snow White and Beauty and the Beast.

  20. The cover is absolutely breathtaking, Anita! I hope 2019 hurries up so I can get my hands on it. haha :D <3
    My favorite fairy tale is The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. It doesn't exactly have a happy ending but those are kind of my favorite types of fairy tales. ♥

    1. Thanks for the cover love, Stephanie! I adore this one so much! Since you like The Little Mermaid, you might enjoy Drown by Esther Dalseno ( It stays closer to the Hans Christian Anderson version, much darker than the Disney one, which I really liked. Good luck on the giveaway!

  21. Oh man! I've loved fairy tales for ages! While I was a Disney kind growing up, I did read some of the original ones too! I loved the original Snow White, The Worn Out Dancing Shoes, The Princess in Disguise, Rapunzel, The Beauty and the Beast...pretty much everything!

  22. I'm so excited for this! I absolutely loved Roseblood & the Splintered series and I can't wait for Stain!

    1. My favorite fairytale has to be Beauty & the Beast. I've related so much to Belle for so long and I love to see all interpretations of the tale.

    2. Thank you for your book support! I hope you'll love this one, too. :) Good luck in the giveaway!

  23. I love The Princess and the Pea!! I cannot wait! ^_^

    1. Yay! It's one of my favorites, too. That's why I had to warp it up so the princess proves herself through strength instead of her softness/delicacy. It was a fun write! Good luck with the giveaway. :)

  24. My favorite fairytale is The Littlw Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty. I just think they’re so interesting.

  25. Ohhh, this looks and sounds amazing! My favorite fairy tale is Alice in Wonderland. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm loving this cover for sure! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  26. Nathalia always does such gorgeous work. The cover is stunning!

    The blurb is so spectacular that I feel despair of having to wait almost a year to read it! I greatly enjoyed the excerpt. It's sounds like a magical story outside the box, and I can't wait!

    Thank you for sharing your Pinterest board pics with us. I always love seeing how a story develops and looks like to it's creator.

    1. Totally agree with you about Nathalia and her magical artwork! Sorry it's such a long wait, but I'll try to have lots of reveals and giveaways along the way to make the wait go by faster. ;) I'll be sharing my pinterest board for this novel in its entirety soon, along with the playlist! Good luck with the giveaway. :)

  27. First of all, the cover for Stain is so gorgeous! And it sounds so good, I’m a sucker for fairytales, especially when they’re a little darker, and Stain looks like it’ll deliver just that.

    Secondly, my favorite fairytale is a tie between Beauty and the Beast and Alice in Wonderland. I love the whimsical aspect of Alice, but most of all, I love how creepy it is (kind of like all fairytales, they seem fine on the surface, but once you break them down and dissect them? Not so much.)

    Beauty and the Beast, also creepy, but I loved Beast’s transformation and how he came to care again. And while his reasons were self-serving and probably don’t extend much past Belle, it’s still a story that warmed my cold heart.

    Thanks so much for the chance!

    1. Stain is very dark, so if you like those kind of elements, you should enjoy it for sure. ;) Thanks for the cover love, and good luck in the giveaway!

  28. My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast.


  29. My favorite story is without a doubt Alice in Wonderland. I've read it since I was very small, and it has always been one of my greatest inspirations

  30. I cannot wait for this story. The cover is ethereal and gorgeous. Love, love, love!!!

    1. Thank you! I love it, too! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  31. OMG had no idea that you had a Princess and the Pea retelling coming out! Excited to read/review it. Hope you're doing well!


    1. *Nobonita (spelled my own name wrong lol)

    2. Also favourite fairytale: Alice In Wonderland! ;) Recently bought a nice pocket edition.

    3. I'm doing well! I hope you are, too. Jealous of your AiW pocket edition. ;) Good luck in the giveaway!

  32. alice in wonderland, if that counts! otherwise the princess & the frog and it is 100% because of the film, yes.

  33. I am so excited for this book to come out, I've been fascinated with how you would approach this story after first hearing about it. January is so far away though after seeing the lovely cover and reading the excerpts.

    As for favorite fairy tale? I would have to say I'm rather fond of the original tale of The Little Mermaid and Rapunzel.

    1. Thanks for the book excitement! I'll try to have lots of reveals and giveaways along the way to make the wait go by faster. ;) Good luck with the giveaway!

  34. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite fairytale

  35. My favourite fairytale would have to be The Little Mermaid (both the Hans Christian Andersen story and the Disney version), and Beauty and the Beast.

    Also, I'm so excited for this book!!!!

    1. Thanks for the book excitement! Since you like The Little Mermaid, you might enjoy Drown by Esther Dalseno ( It stays closer to the Hans Christian Anderson version, much darker than the Disney one, which I really liked. Good luck on the giveaway!

  36. It would have to be the Norwegian fairy tale 'East of the Sun and West of the Moon' - it has this perfect balance of unique elements, whimsy, and emotion. I love the different adaptions (especially East by Edith Pattou!) and it's the kind of fairytale you can get lost in <3

    1. I need to read East! Thanks for the reminder. ;) And good luck on the giveaway. :)

  37. My all time favorite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland.

  38. Ohhh I can’t wait!!! My favorite fairy tale is Alice in Wonderland. Love your books.

    1. Thanks for the book love! And good luck in the giveaway. :)

  39. My favourite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan or Beauty and the Beast. I was obsessed with Alice for a period of my childhood to the point where my nana took me to an Alice exhibition in Melbourne twice and then to the Tim Burton one so I could see the Alice costumes.

  40. I love the tale of Beauty and the Beast. I loved your fractured retelling of Alice in Wonderland - Splintered ranks as one of my favorite series ever. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for the Splintered love. Good luck to you!

  41. I seriously can't wait for this! My favorite fairy tale??? Alice in wonderland if that counts and if not we'll say beauty and the beast.

    1. Can't wait to share the story with everyone! And a lot of comments have been Alice in Wonderland. I'm surprised how many people consider it a fairy tale. ;) May the rafflecopter gods be with you!

  42. My favorite fairy tale is probably Beauty and the Beast. I love the Disney adaptions!

  43. The little mermaid! Thank you ❤️ I love your books and I can't wait to read this!

    1. Thanks for the book love, and good luck in the giveaway!

  44. Thank you so so much for the giveaway! <3
    My fave fairytale is Beauty and the Beast
    Rafflecopter name: Megan S.

  45. OHMYGOSH I'M SO EXCITED FOR STAIN!! The cover is gorgeous! My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast! Alice In Wonderland probably isn't considered a fairytale, but I love that one too lol!

    1. It's funny how many people are answering with Alice in Wonderland. I never considered it an actual fairy tale, but it does have a lot of the elements of one: magical creatures in a unique land, an innocent youth as the MC, and morals hidden within riddles and mystery. Thanks for the cover love! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  46. My favorite fairytale is Thumbelina! I had a Viewmaster reel of it when I was small and I wore it out. Ha ha. I am hoping someday that you will write a retelling of it. ��

    Thank you for the fab giveaway. ������ #JazzHands

    1. I think I might have fun with a Thumbelina retelling. I'm definitely toying with the idea. ;) And you're welcome for the giveaway! Good luck. :)

  47. My favorite fairy tale is The Snow Queen... maybe because I saw a theatrical movie of it and it looks very pretty.. loved ot as a child as wrll, the atmosphere of it 😊
    Fabulous giveaway- thanks you!

  48. My favorite fairy tale is the original Beauty and the Beast. To me, it's much more interesting and magical than the Disney version. I also like the message a bit better, because rather than Beauty (which is the only name she goes by) being kind and accepting from the start and the Beast being aggressive, in the original, Beauty thought the Beast was ugly and even though she grew to love him, still thought that she couldn't love him because he wasn't handsome or an "acceptable" husband until the very end. Beast was always kind. He'd have a few outbursts but eventually valued Beauty's companionship, even if that's all it was. Beauty eventually realizes that its not important how he looks, he makes her happy and that's what matters. I don't know, I just prefer this version. Plus there's a magical library and Beauty seems to have much more freedom. That's my favorite fairy tale. Also, I'm really looking forward to Stain. It sounds so unique and the cover is GOREGOUS!

    1. I agree about the original Beauty and the Beast. And thanks for the compliments on Stain's cover. I love it! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  49. My favorite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland 🎩☕

  50. My favorite fairy tale is either Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or, a more modern fairy tale, The Princes and The Treasure.

  51. If I had to pick any fairytale, it would have to be between 2 stories. The most well-known is Alice in Wonderland, because of my childish imagination to jump to another world of mischief and color. My second favorite is The Princess and the Goblin. When I was little, I use to wear a ring and I would pretend to be the princess who evaded goblins and visited mysterious grandmothers. It's not often told, but it tugs at my heart in a romantic, giddy way. <3

    1. Oooh, The Princess and the Goblin is one I've never heard of. Going to look into it now! Good luck in the giveaway!

    2. It's really good! I highly reccomend it!

  52. My favorite fairytale is either Beauty and the Beast or Rapunzel. I adore both of these stories. I think they're fantastic and I could hear them again and again.

  53. I love Milan because it showcases the strength of women.

  54. I have always liked BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.

  55. Snow White since I was a children. Alice in Wonderland will be a fairytale too?

  56. Surely Beauty abd the beast is my favorite tale of all! <3

  57. My fave fairy tale has to be either the Twelve Dancing Princesses or anything with fairies in it!!!

  58. My favorite fairytale is either alice in wonderland or Peter Pan

  59. Hard to pick an absolute favorite fairy tale. As a child I was in love with the story of Thumbelina, The princess and the pea and Alice in wonderland. Beauty and the beast was a favorite as well. I have so enjoyed the Splintered series and Of course Roseblood. I am thoroughly in awe of your Haunted Hearts Legacy books. These books are some my most treasured books I own.

    1. Thank you for all the book support! So happy you're enjoying not just one, but all of my stories so far. The Haunted Hearts Legacy books are very special to me, so I'm especially thrilled you like those! I hope to reveal the cover to the third one in that series very soon. Good luck in the giveaway!

  60. My favorite fairy tale would have to be Alice in Wonderland! Of course that’s why I am obsessed with the Splintered Series. I love many fairy tales though: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Rumpelstiltskin, The Princess and the Pea, etc.

  61. My favorite has always been Beauty and the Beast!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

    1. You're welcome, and may the rafflecopter odds be ever in your favor. ;)

  62. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! I am in love with this cover! It is absolutely breathtaking, Nathalia has outdone herself AGAIN! I camt believe it's stilla year away tho (crying)...

    I'd say my favorite fairy tale is probably Sleeping Beauty, but mostly because it was my favorite of the early Disney movies ;-) It left a strong imprint on young impressionable me! I recently read the "real" version at my son's library, though, and was really disappointed by the extremely sexist message/ending! So, ya know, next fairy tale you might consider taking up and revamping ... cough, cough...

    Love you! Can't wait for this book! I suppose in the meantime I'll content myself with finally reading the new adult series on my AG Howard shelf :-D

    1. I LOVE Beauty and the Beast! I'm actually a little intimidated at the idea of revamping that one because there are so many wonderful retellings already! Have you read Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge or Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay? They're both wonderful and dark, with strong female leads!

      Maybe one day I'll come up with a way to do it different and give it a try. Haha. Thanks for your faith in me! And yes, do read those new adult books, because the 3rd one is coming out this year in August! ;) I'll be revealing that cover very soon.

      Thank you for your book support, and good luck on the giveaway!

  63. My favourite fairy tale has to be the legend of Rumplestiltskin <3

  64. My favourite fairy tail is Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan! Thanks so much for this giveaway, i can't wait to read Stain!♥

    1. You're welcome! And I had so much fun building this dark fairytale fantasy world. I can't wait to share it! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  65. I believe this is my favorite cover of all time. I can't wait to read it!!!

    1. Thank you! I agree! It's so magical, beautiful and haunting. Can't wait to share the story with you, too! Good luck on the giveaway. ;)

  66. The cover is so lovely. Congrats! My favorite fairytale is Cinderella.

    1. Thanks so much! I really love this cover. :) Good luck on the giveaway!

  67. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! It's because I have the best cover artist our there. :)

  68. I LOVE this cover, it's so stunning <3
    It's so hard to choose a favourite fairytail, but I think Aladdin and The Beauty and the Beast are the ones I love the most <3

    1. Thanks! I'm really loving the ethereal fairy tale elements in this one. :) Good luck in the giveaway!

  69. Thank you for the chance! I love the cover of this book. <3

    My favorite fairytale is Sleeping Beauty.

    1. Thanks for the cover love, and may the rafflecopter odds be ever in your favor. ;)

  70. One of my favorites is of course Alice in Wonderland. My favorite Disney adaptation has always been Little Mermaid.

  71. My favorite fairy tale is either Alice and Wonderland or Rapunzel.

  72. My favorite fairy tale is either Peter Pan or Alice In Wonderland!!! Also, ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING COVER ART!!!!!!!! Thank you for the chance!!!!

    1. Thank you! I'm really loving this cover! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  73. My favorite fairytales are Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hansel & Gretel, the Ugly Duckling, and Alice and Wonderland.

  74. The cover looks so magical! I can't wait to read the book. It sounds so fascinating! I love a lot of fairytales but my most favorite would have to be Beauty and the Beast. It's always been such a touching story. I like the message that anyone can change and that you should love what is inside a person!

    1. Thank you for the cover love! I love Beauty and the Beast, too. In fact, I've always wanted to do a retelling, but there are so many wonderful ones out there, I'd have to figure out a way to make it different somehow. :) Good luck on the giveaway!

  75. So beautiful!! My favourite Fairytale is Alice in Wonderland and The little Mermaid eventhough it's quiet sad...

  76. My favorite fairytale is Mulan. This cover art is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Can't wait to read this book.

  77. This cover is gorgeous.

    My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.

  78. So excited! My favorite fairy tale is Snow White.

  79. <3 I cannot wait to read Stain! The cover is absolutely stunning.

    My favourite fairy tale is Alice in Wonderland (if that counts as a fairy tale) or Peter Pan.

  80. My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast because I LOVE the story! I also love Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella.

    And I read The Princess and the Pea when I was little and LOVED it, so can't wait to read Stain! This cover is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! ♥

    1. So happy you like the cover! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  81. My favorite fairytale would be Beauty & the Beast. 📚👗😍

  82. Major thanks for the article post. Want more.Thanks
