
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This used to be my attitude about Twitter:

But I'm starting to see that I'm fighting a losing battle. And since it's officially springtime, within the next few weeks, I'm going to start up an account. Eek!! I can already feel my knees getting wobbly and my head whirling (those of you who are true Disney Bambi connoisseurs know what I'm talking about here...)

Thankfully, my wise and wonderful agent tweeted the other day about a savvy blog that's been posting helpful tips and insights into the world of tweeting. Nina Badzin has a series on learning to Twitter, and for that she's earned a space in my sidebar. Hop over to learn all you ever needed or wanted to know about the networking service that's taken the world by storm.

Okay, shaking off my fears. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Tweet land (ahem--someday soon)!

Thank you Disney for the wonderful clip that so perfectly suited my post today.


  1. Thanks for this! I need Twitter counseling. I'm up over there... @bigblackcat97 Right now my tweets are limited to Victoria's Secret and... well I think that was it.

  2. LOL! Sure Mindy! No prob. I need to get over there to her blog start polishing up on all of this. I want to go in educated. ;-)

  3. I'm on as @writeturnahead. I alternate between posting random things and useful writerly stuff. Nina's got some great points...the best one being that people who google you come up with your Twitter feed. I also had the strange experience of posting about chaperoning an upcoming trip to the Natural History Museum -- with no hashtags to reference it except #givemestrength -- and the NHM MANAGER tweeted me back!!

  4. My mom nearly stroked out when she realized I had a Facebook account and that I posted pictures of my children there. ("The pedophiles are everywhere, Beth!") She'd surely go into some sort of tweet-induced coma if I were to follow in your footsteps.

    But I'll be following you! TWEET TWEET!

  5. Hey, Anita - I hear what you're saying about Twitter. I was reluctant at first, too. I don't tweet that often, but what I've found is that it busing the twitter hashtags brings people to my blog.

    For example, I tend to tweet most of my blog posts. I'll tweet it and paste in the subject of my blog post, then whatever my blog post is about, use hashtags. So if I'm writing about editing, I'll use #editing #novels #writing. Anything that's relevant, basically. People search Twitter through hashtags, so it's a really good way of using it.

    Also, it you're considering starting a Facebook page - I know - a lot to think about :) But you might want to connect your blog to it using the Facebook Networked Blogs application. I found all this out the long hard way so want to make it easier for others!

    You can find me on twitter @duosays, and my facebook page is D U Okonkwo

  6. Brenda, how cool is that! Goes to show this is the age of networking, and twitter is the cornerstone. Thanks for the tips!

    Bethany, that cracks me up! Your mom sounds awesome (and strangely like my own parents--ha!). I'll let you know as soon as I have an account. :-) Maybe I can gradually lure you over to the dark side. LOL

    D U~ Thanks for the fantastic tips! And yeah, I have a couple of friends who have their FB connected to their twitter feeds. I'll get them to lead me through the process. And thanks for giving me your username! I'll be looking you up.

  7. Anita!! Wow! Thank you so much. :) I noticed on my site stats that some traffic was coming from here. I was so surprised and honored to see the post. The minute you're on Twitter follow me and of course I'll follow you right back. I'm @NinaBadzin. Make sure to keep your handle short if you haven't started one yet. @AnitaHoward is good. Nothing longer!

  8. Hi Nina! How cool is that? I had no idea anyone even read me. LOL!! I'm so glad I got you some traffic. I'm following your blog religiously, you know. :-) Thank you for your wonderful tweet tips!

    I can't wait to follow you on Twitter! Thanks for giving me your username, and for your awesome advice on mine! I might go w/AGHoward, if someone's already using Anita. Is there some way to check into that?

  9. Ooh, there's something about Twitter that makes me resist! Except for my old super-secret Twitter account in which I posted rude comments about my MIL when she lived with us. That was fun for my six super-secret followers!

  10. Aack! I know Jenny! There's still a part of me that's leery and I can't pin down why. The word time-sucking comes to mind, though. Haahaa

    LOL! I want to be a super secret follower of your "mum's the word" (pun intended) Twitter acct. That sounds like fun. Bet your MIL never knew what hit her. Heh

  11. Follow me! @Robin_Weeks :) Twitter is great--you'll love it there.

  12. Thanks Robin! I'll be glad to follow you ... once I'm brave enough to jump in.

  13. Awesome, you're coming to the dark side! It actually is pretty fun, and you meet some really entertaining people there. It freaked me out a bit at first, but now I enjoy it. @taylorkv--I'll follow ya!

  14. I shall use you as a guinea pig! Steady blogging was toe in the wading pool enough for this month - but I'm sure you'll see me in twitter land soon enough.

  15. Hey Katey! Great to see you here. And thanks! I'll follow you, too. :-)

    Kalen, LOL! It seems pretty scary...I'll let you know what I think once I'm there. Heh.

  16. Oh its not Twitter I'm scared of, its myself. This is a power tailor-made for me to abuse. I'm not sure anyone really needs 24/7 subjection to my stream of consciousness.

  17. Ha. Not me. I'm afraid I won't be able to think of anything to say. Plus, I'm very worried that it's going to be a time-vacuum and get in the way of my writing. That's the biggest reason I haven't made the leap yet, and am still hesitant on some deep level.

    Your last sentence CRACKED me up!

  18. Yikes- I took the plunge!! I've been Twitter resistant for so long, but I really want to make some cyber writing friends, and I think Twitter is a good way to do that :o) My Twitter "handle" (lol) is @AngelaVCook. Looking forward to following you!

  19. Yay, Angela! You brave soul. LOL

    Okay, I'm next. Sometime at the end of this month (which is coming upon us quickly). Heh.

    I'll def look you up and follow!! See you there ... eek!
